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May 05, 2019
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Iranian Official Dr. Alaeddin Boroujerdi: Our Missiles Can Reach U.S. Aircraft Carriers Even in the Pacific Ocean

#7204 | 00:51
Source: Al-Alam Network (Iran)

On May 5, 2019, the Iranian Arabic language channel Al-Alam TV aired an interview with Dr. Alaeddin Boroujerdi. Dr. Boroujerdi was the head of the Iranian Majles Committee for Foreign Policy and National Security until recently and currently he remains a member of the committee. In the interview, Dr. Boroujerdi said that today the Iranian military capability is greater than it was in the past, he added: "Our missiles are extremely accurate." He warned that the U.S. should not feel safe, even if it is not physically present in the Persian Gulf, since Iranian missiles can reach its fleets and aircraft carriers even in the Pacific Ocean. Dr. Boroujerdi said that the U.S. tested Iran in the past and Hizbullah "managed to sink an Israeli frigate." Dr. Boroujerdi said that "60% of the world's energy passes through this region." He warned: "This is playing with fire – and if the fire spreads – it won't be limited to Iran."

Following are excerpts:

Dr. Alaeddin Boroujerdi: "We have much greater capabilities today [than in the past]. Our missiles are extremely accurate. America should not think that if it is not present in the Persian Gulf then it is safe. The U.S. should know that our missiles will reach its fleets and aircraft carriers even in the Pacific Ocean. They have tested us before. As you know, Hizbullah managed to sink the Israeli frigate in the Mediterranean Sea.


"Sixty percent of the world's energy passes though this region. This is playing with fire – and if the fire spreads – it won't be limited to Iran."



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