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Sep 13, 2019
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In Al-Aqsa Mosque Address, Palestinian Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun Calls on Soldiers, Officers in Muslim Armies to Overthrow Muslim Leaders, Support Those Who Strive to Establish an Islamic State

#7500 | 02:06
Source: Online Platforms - "YouTube channel dedicated to Al-Aqsa addresses"

Palestinian Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun said in a Friday, September 13, 2019 address at the Al-Aqsa Mosque that the current Muslim rulers falsely claim that they are defending the Palestinian cause while actually supporting the Jews and signing agreements with Israel, enabling it to attack Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. Sheikh Baydoun called on the soldiers and officers of the Muslim armies to no longer allow the Muslim rulers to "sell out" Palestine and its people, and he said: "Hasn't the time come for you [to] rid the nation from the evil of those rulers and support those who loyally strive to establish [a] Caliphate that will mobilize its army and liberate the blessed land of Palestine?"


Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun: Oh Muslim commanders in the Muslim armies, will you not save us from the rulers of our time, who are toying with the issues of the Muslims the same way they are accustomed to doing with regard to the Palestinian cause? They falsely claim that they are defending the Palestinian cause. This is done by Jordan's rulers and the rest of the rulers as well. They are the ones who support the Jews and guard the borders of the Jews' entity. They establish warm relationships with them, and they sign agreements and pacts with them. This enables that entity to strike with all its might in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. After all that, they claim that they are defending the Palestinian cause. What's with you, oh officers and soldiers of the Muslim armies? Until when will you let those rulers sell out the land and its people? Hasn't the time come for you to act like Qutayba ibn Muslim Al-Bahili, rid the nation from the evil of those rulers, and support those who loyally strive to establish an Islamic state on their ruins – a Caliphate that will mobilize its army to liberate the blessed land of Palestine?

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