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Nov 03, 2004
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Anti-American Demonstrations in Iran

#322 | 02:04
Source: Channel 1 (Iran)
The following are excerpts from demonstrations in Iran marking the anniversary of the American embassy takeover in 1979:

Death to America

Death to Israel

Death to Israel

Student in crowd: The Iranian people lives. The students here prove this. The Iranian people lives.

Reporter: What do you want to say to the leaders of America?

Student in crowd: I want to tell them the historic and global words of Dr. Beheshti: "Tell America: Be angry with us - and die of this anger."

"Down with USA"

Death to America

Death to America

"Down with Israel"

"Down with Israel"

Death to Israel

Death to Israel

Reporter: For some years now, America has become the symbol of aggression, arrogance, and hunger for power in our culture. All these years, this nation has been standing against this symbol of aggression. This sight will recur time and again, and this people will forever stand against these aggressions.

Death to America

Death to Israel

Death to Israel

Death to Zionism

Death to Zionism

Reporter: What has America done to become so hated in the eyes of the world?

Student in crowd: The reason is its wars and its opposition to Islam.

Reporter: If the leaders of America could hear you, what would you say?

Student in crowd: I'd like to tell them that they will never succeed. They must banish the thought of resisting Iran from their minds.

Student in crowd: It [America] oppresses all Muslims.

Reporter: What do you have to say to the leaders of America?

Same student in crowd: Nothing. I'm just saying that it won't dare to do anything.

Student in crowd: America has no right to decide for others.

Student in crowd: This is why we want to punch America on the mouth. We have all gathered here to say this: Death to America.

Death to America

Death to Israel

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