On December 19, 2018, Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar) aired a report on military UAVs manufactured in Iran. The reporter explained that the UAVs constitute a new kind of aerial fleet that does not have the technological complications of modern aviation. Dawoud Najafi-pour of the Iran Aviation Industries Organization said that Iran is ranked fifth in the world in manufacturing UAVs, which he said is a completely local capability. The reporter also said that the UAVs are being incorporated into Iran's military strategy for missions that might prove difficult for traditional aircraft, and that the UAVs are used to monitor Iranian airspace and enemy naval fleets. He also said that the UAVs may enter combat service, and that they were used to strike ISIS headquarters in Syria and Kurdish opposition headquarters in Iraq.
Nur Ad-Din Al-Daghir (Reporter): When speaking of UAVs, we no longer mean remote-controlled toys. They are not on display here for those seeking entertainment. Iran has various kinds of UAVs for a variety of purposes. For Iran, [UAVs] comprise a new type of aerial fleet, which avoids the technological complications of modern aviation.
Dawoud Najafi-pour (Iran Aviation Industries Organization): Iran is ranked fifth in the world in the field of manufacturing UAVs, and all this is due to local capabilities, which we can develop even further.
Nur Ad-Din Al-Daghir (Reporter): "Karrar", "Mohajer", "Fotros", and "Saegheh" are some of the names that Iran wants to add to its fleet of UAVs, which are used for more than just civilian purposes. UAVs have become a part of Iran's industry. They are no longer used solely for civilian purposes – Iran has started using them as part of its military strategy. Iran has started using its UAVs for military missions that might prove difficult or even impossible for its traditional aerial fleet to accomplish. [UAVs] are used to monitor Iranian airspace and the naval fleets of its enemies. Military officials in Iran say that [the UAVs] can remain airborne for up to 48 hours.
Mehdi Bakhtiari (Fars News Agency): Iran has various types of UAVs for military purposes. [Iran] managed to enhance its capabilities and employ the most modern technologies after it managed to take control of an American UAV and an Israeli one.
Nur Ad-Din Al-Daghir (Reporter): In Tehran, people are talking about changing the rules of aerial warfare, with UAVs entering into combat service. The UAVs are remote-controlled, and they can strike targets that are over a thousand kilometers away. Iran targeted the ISIS headquarters in Syria and the headquarters of the Kurdish opposition in northern Iraq. UAVs are a new military venture for Iran. Will this venture achieve what [Iran] wants to achieve in combat against those who have much experience in this field? This is Nur Ad-Din Al-Daghir, reporting for Al-Jazeera, from Tehran.