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Mar 11, 2017
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Abdel-Bari Atwan Lauds Release of Daqamseh: Beacon of Pan-Arabism

#5942 | 01:05
Source: Mayadeen TV (Lebanon)

Abdel-Bari Atwan, editor-in-chief of "Al-Rai Al-Youm" and former editor-in-chief of the London-based "Al-Quds Al-Arabi," said that the entire Arab nation was celebrating the release of former Jordanian soldier Ahmed Daqamseh, who served a 20-year prison term for the murder of seven Israeli schoolgirls. “He has become a beacon for many people, who yearn for the good old Arab days, when pan-Arab sentiments still existed, and most Arab regimes still considered Israel to be the enemy,” said Abdel-Bari Atwan, speaking on Hizbullah’s Mayadeen TV.


Abdel-Bari Atwan: "The entire Arab nation is celebrating (Daqamseh's release), not just the Jordanians. The vast majority of this nation considers Ahmed Daqamseh a national hero, an Islamic hero, and an Arab hero, in the full sense of the word. That man defended the honor of the Jordanian land and of the Arab nation, after he was subjected to the mockery of (Israeli) girls.






"That man has become a symbol in the full sense of the word. He has become a beacon for many people, who yearn for the good old Arab days, when pan-Arab sentiments still existed, and most Arab regimes still considered Israel to be the enemy."


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