February 14, 2022 Special Dispatch No. 9768

Palestinian Imam Yousuf Makharzah: Democracies Like Sweden Take Children Away From Parents Who Enforce Honorable Islamic Conduct; Authorities Removed 20,000 Children Of Syrian Refugees From Their Homes

February 14, 2022
Palestinians | Special Dispatch No. 9768

In the past few weeks, allegations in English on social media have been circulating claiming that Swedish authorities "kidnap" Muslim children and place them in non-Muslim foster homes, where they are forced to eat pork and drink alcohol. The allegations, which originated with an Arabic-language website whose creator expressed support for the Islamic State (ISIS),[1] have prompted widespread reactions such as the hashtag campaign # sweden_is_fascist_country,[2] and were reflected in sermons as well.

In one of these sermons, delivered in Jerusalem on Friday, February 4, 2022 and aired on Hizb ut-Tahrir's Al-Waqiyah TV (Lebanon), Palestinian Imam Yousuf Makharzah said that in democracies like Sweden, children are taken away from their parents due to "honor crimes." He explained that this term means that parent enforce honorable conduct and do not allow their daughters to go out with boys, get drunk, or wear revealing clothing. Makhrazah claimed that 20,000 children of Syrian refugees who fled to Sweden were removed from their homes by authorities. He also claimed that some of the Muslims children in democratic countries who are sent to live with "infidel parents" are raped by their adoptive parents. He said: "This is what happens to Muslims under the democratic rule."

On February 11, the Swedish Foreign Ministry responded[3] in a Twitter thread to the allegations on social media, calling them a "campaign of "campaign of disinformation," saying that such claims are "seriously misleading and aim to create tensions and spread mistrust." It added that "Swedish social services do not kidnap children. All children in Sweden are protected and cared for equally under Swedish legislation, including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child" and referred readers to Swedish social services.[4]

Swedish Migration and Integration Minister, Anders Ygeman told Sweden's TV4 that "lies must be met with facts" and that Muslims and imams in Sweden had distanced themselves "from this propaganda and disinformation."[5]

For more about Yousuf Makharzah, see MEMRI TV clips nos. 9207, 8877, 8557, 8500, and 7849.

To view the clip of Yousuf Makharazah on MEMRI TV, click here or below.

"When A Mother Tells Her Daughter Not To Get Drunk, Not To Go Out With Boys, Or To Wear Clothes That Cover Her Private Parts... That Daughter Is Take By Force From Her Parents"

Yousuf Makharzah: "Sweden is the oasis of democracy, to which the Syrian refugees have fled in search of safety.


"Do you know what they are doing to those refugees? According to the statistic, 20,000 children are taken from their parents by force every year. These children are taken away on account of 'honor crimes.' Do you know what that means? If a mother in Sweden says to her daughter 'Do not go out with boys, is it forbidden,' it constitutes an 'honor crime.'

"There is no [concept of] haram and halal there. The girl must be left to exercise her liberty. So when a mother tells her daughter not to get drunk, not to go out with boys, or to wear clothes that cover her private parts, it means that she has an honor issue, and wants to pass down these 'outdated' ideas about honor to those children, and therefore, these children should be taken away from her. The daughter is taken by force from her parents, even if she is 12 or 13 years old.

"There Are Reports About Children Who Are Raped By Their New Infidel Parents; This Is What Happens To Muslims Under Democratic Rule"

"Then the girl is sent to live with infidel parents, and absorb their infidel beliefs, living normally with them. Some of those children are subject to rape. There are reports about children who are raped by their new infidel parents. This is what happens to Muslims under the democratic rule."


[1], February 11, 2022.

[2], accessed February 14, 2022.

[3],, February 11, 2022.


[5], February 11, 2022.

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