December 2, 2021 Special Announcements No. 1136

The MEMRI Weekly: November 26-December 3, 2021

December 2, 2021
Special Announcements No. 1136

The following are links to reports from MEMRI's Special Dispatch Series and Inquiry and Analysis Series, as well as to transcripts from the MEMRI TV Project, released during the past week.



Special Dispatch No. 9662 – Chinese And Russian Think Tank Associate Nelson Wong: Russia Is Too Powerful And Proud A Country To Play Balance Of Power Politics Against China, December 3, 2021

Special Dispatch No. 9663 – Former Head Of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization Abbasi-Davani Hints That Iranian Nuclear Chief Mohsen Fakhrizadeh Was Working On Nuclear Weapons And That Is Why He Was Assassinated – Part II: The Full Interview, December 3, 2021

Special Dispatch No. 9661 – CAIR Official Zahra Billoo: The Two-State Solution Is 'Laughable'; Any Organization That Promotes It Is An Enemy; ADL, Jewish Federation, 'Zionist Synagogues,' Hillel Chapters Will Throw You Under The Bus, December 2, 2021

Special Dispatch No. 9660 – Article In Qatari Daily On The Islamic Tale Of Allah's Punishment Of The Jews By Changing Them Into Apes And Pigs, December 2, 2021

Special Dispatch No. 9659 – Egyptian Researcher Ahmed Abdou Maher, Sentenced To Prison For Criticizing Islamic Jurisprudents: I Am Criticizing Their Blood-Soaked Ideology, Not Islam Itself; I Do Not Want Presidential Amnesty – I Demand To Be Declared Innocent, December 2, 2021

Special Dispatch No. 9658 – Russian Commentator Akopov To Erdogan: Don't Butt In On Ukraine Just Like Russia Doesn't Butt In On Kurdish Issue, December 1, 2021

Special Dispatch No. 9657 – CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad At Chicago Conference: The U.S. Embassy Must Return To Tel Aviv, Which Is Under Occupation And Will Be Freed Later; We Are Disgusted With The Biden Administration's Lack Of Respect For Palestinian Human Rights, December 1, 2021

Special Dispatch No. 9656 – Last Will Of Jerusalem Shooter: I Chose This Path To Attain Paradise; Prepare Yourselves For Jihad And Martyrdom, November 30, 2021

Inquiry and Analysis No. 1609 – Former Head Of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Abbasi-Davani, Hints That Iranian Nuclear Chief Mohsen Fakhrizadeh Was Working On Nuclear Weapons And That Is Why He Was Assassinated; IRGC-Affiliated Commentator Confirms That Abbasi-Davani Was Talking About Nuclear Weapons; Abbasi-Davani Says Enemy Sabotage, Assassinations Should Be Stopped By Iran's 'Cross[ing] Several Scientific Borders As Soon As Possible To Show Our Capability And Defend Our People', November 30, 2021

Special Dispatch No. 9655 – In Advance Of Vienna Nuclear Talks With Iran, Saudi Press Criticized U.S. For Showing Weakness Towards Iran And Ignoring Its Aspirations Of Hegemony, November 29, 2021

Inquiry and Analysis No. 1608 – For Chinese President Xi Jinping, Conquering Taiwan Is A Matter Of Honor And 'Saving Face', November 29, 2021

Special Dispatch No. 9654 – Russian Professor: Russians Don't Take War Scare Seriously, But Constant Talk Of War Leads Them To Idolize The Army And Facilitates A 'Totalitarian Relapse', November 29, 2021



MEMRI TV Clip No. 9215 – Iranian Expert Mostafa Khoshcheshm: Iran Should Increase The Range Of Its Missiles To 4,000 KM, So They Can Reach Western Europe, Be Used As Leverage In Nuclear Negotiations, IRIB Ofogh TV (Iran)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9214 – Iranian Security Forces Crack Down On Isfahan Protestors By Setting Their Tents On Fire, Using Tear Gas, Weapons, The Internet

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9213 – Head Of The Higher Arab Monitoring Committee In Israel And Former Knesset Member Mohammad Barakeh: The Zionists Tried To Write Off Jaffa, Haifa, Acre, Lod, And Ramla, But Last May's Clashes Proved That They Are Still Part Of Palestine, Palestinian Authority TV

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9212 – Saudi Journalist Abdullah bin Bijad: Hamas Is a Murderous Political Organization; It Only Claims to Represent Palestine, Jerusalem, Islam – In Reality, It Serves Iranian Plots to Occupy the Arab World, MBC TV (Saudi Arabia)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9211 – CAIR Official Zahra Billoo: The Two-State Solution Is "Laughable"; Any Organization That Promotes It Is An Enemy; ADL, Jewish Federation, "Zionist Synagogues," Hillel Chapters Will Throw You Under The Bus, The Internet

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9210 – Egyptian Sports Commentator Mohamed Aboutrika On Qatar's BeIN TV: Arab And Muslim Premier League Footballers Must Not Cooperate With Pro-LGBTQ+ Campaign; Homosexuality Is Unnatural; Alcohol And Homosexuality – Not At The Qatar 2022 World Cup

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9209 – Lebanese President Michel Aoun Defends Hizbullah, Remains Silent When Asked If Information Minister Kurdahi Should Resign, Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9208 – CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad: The U.S. Embassy Must Return To Tel Aviv, Which Is Under Occupation And Will Be Freed Later; We Are Disgusted With The Biden Administration's Lack Of Respect For Palestinian Human Rights, The Internet

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9207 – Palestinian Islamic Scholar Yousuf Makharzah: The UAE, 'Godfather Of Shame', Mediated Water For Electricity Deal Between Jordan And The "Jewish Entity" In Order To Make People Accept That "Monstrous Entity", Al-Wataniya TV (Tunisia)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9206 – Gazans Seeking Permits To Work In Israel: People Here 'Are Eating Shit'; Economic Circumstances Are Tough; We Are Going To Work, Not To Join The IDF Or CIA; Gaza Is Linked To Israel, Not Jordan Or Egypt, Al-Quds Al-Youm TV (Palestine - Islamic Jihad)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9205 – Former Iranian Diplomat Seyyed Hadi Seyyed Afghahi: If America Starts A War With Iran, All Their Bases, Armies Will Be Destroyed; Soldiers Will Be Shipped Back To The U.S. As Body Parts, Al-Alam TV (Iran)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9204 – Houthi Friday Sermon In Dhamar, Yemen: Prophet Muhammad Banished The Jews From The Arabian Peninsula, But The Saud Clan Are Bringing Them Back, Al-Eman TV (Yemen)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9203 – Egyptian Researcher Ahmed Abdou Maher, Sentenced To Prison For Criticizing Islamic Jurisprudents: I Am Criticizing Their Blood-Soaked Ideology, Not Islam Itself; I Do Not Want Presidential Amnesty – I Demand To Be Declared Innocent, BBC Arabic (The UK)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9202 – Former Iraqi MP Mithal Al-Alusi: We Should Normalize Relations With Both Iran And Israel; Iran Is Occupying Iraq, Al-Sharqiyah TV (Iraq)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9201 – Palestinian Islamic Jihad Leader Ziyad Nakhalah Criticizes Hamas For Facilitating The Work Of Gaza Laborers In Israel, Adds: The Arab Regimes Just Want The Palestinian Cause To End, One Way Or Another, Mayadeen TV (Lebanon)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9200 – Senior Hamas Official Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: The Europeans Banished The Jews Because Of Their Corruption, Planted Them In Palestine; Britain Will Pay For Its Ban On Hamas, Palestine Today TV (Lebanon)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9199 – Hamas Political Bureau Member Osama Hamdan: Jerusalem Gunman Was Hamas Member, Wanted To Be A Role Model For Jihad, Seeking Martyrdom, Al-Manar TV (Lebanon)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9198 – Chinese Scholar Wang Xiaodong: AUKUS Is A Racist Anti-Chinese Alliance, The Internet

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