Pro-ISIS Cyber Security Outlet: Bitcoin Is Not Secure; Monero Is A Safer Cryptocurrency

July 27, 2021

On July 27, 2021, a pro-Islamic State (ISIS) media outlet published the first part of a series intended to instruct supporters in the secure use of cryptocurrency.

The article cautioned that the use of cryptocurrency is a very "sensitive" topic, which requires that users spend significant time learning how to use safely it safely. "Readers should know," said the article, "that ensuring safe financial transactions is a subject that requires a lot of attention and concealment [practices] in order to keep one's identity anonymous [...] Staying safe requires a change in behavior and work style [...] Therefore, the more you know and learn, the more extensive your security precautions will be, and you will become safer, Allah willing."

Warning supporters that Bitcoin transactions do not provide an adequate level of anonymity, the article claimed: "Financial transaction information is stored by Bitcoin, and is generally available within a (Blockchain) database that maintains a history of Bitcoin transactions."

Discussing solutions to ensure safer transactions, the article suggested that there are other digital currencies available, such as Monero, a decentralized cryptocurrency that uses a publicly-distributed ledger with privacy-enhancing technologies, which obfuscate transactions to achieve anonymity and fungibility.

The full text of this report is available to MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor subscribers.

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