On April 16, 2024, a Telegram channel which is linked to Iran-backed militias shared several videos and posters threatening that there will be a harsh response if Israel strikes Iran. These included a poster depicting a swarm of drones flying in a formation that looks like a red triangle, which has become a symbol of Hamas's resistance. The poster's caption reads: "This is a true promise"; a poster depicting a red triangle as a traffic sign, with Tel Aviv in the background. The poster's caption reads: "And who does more wrong than the one who is reminded of Allah's revelations then turns away from them? We will surely inflict punishment upon the wicked [Quran 32:22]"; a 1.5-minute-long video depicting an operations room launching missiles. The channel commented on the poster in Arabic and broken Hebrew: "We have been waiting for these days from many years. Our radars are closely monitoring and we will fight fire with fire." The posters and video featured the hashtags "The True Promise" and "We Promised And Fulfilled Our Promise."
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