Jihadis On Telegram Warn Against New WhatsApp Encryption Feature

April 14, 2016

Beginning on April 5, 2016, all chats on the WhatsApp messaging app are now secure with end-to-end encryption. However, on April 7, 2016, jihadis on the encrypted messaging app Telegram warned against trusting the WhatsApp encryption feature, claiming that it was easy to hack and also could not be trusted since it was "purchased by the Israeli Facebook program."

Additionally, Cyber Caliphate Army associates Kalachnikv E-Security Team discussed WhatsApp's move to encrypted communication on their Telegram channel, highlighting a section from WhatsApp's own legal disclaimer and warning that the encryption does not hide the identity of chat participants and that communications are stored on WhatsApp's servers.


Kalatchnikv E-Security Team also gave instructions on "How To Use WhatsApp On Web":


The new WhatsApp encryption feature was also mentioned by pro-ISIS Telegram user Amriki Muhajer:



Source: Telegram, April 7, 2016.

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