ISIS Launches German-Language Cyber Jihad Magazine 'Kybernetiq'

January 15, 2016
cjl118 A new German-language publication has been launched by ISIS. The first issue of 'Kybernetiq' magazine was posted online in December 2015 on ISIS-related social media accounts on Twitter and Telegram. The purpose of the magazine is to recruit and inform future ISIS "cyber-soldiers" on how to perform cyber-attacks on Western and other targets while remaining anonymous. ISIS is also reportedly working to translate the magazine into other languages. The preface, written by "iMujahid" states: "It is very important to us that our brothers and sisters learn the proper handling of software and hardware." The magazine features 15 pages with info and guides on hacking and encryption, as well as a serialized fictional "Islamist science fiction novella" titled "Die Einheit" ("The Unit"). Source:, January 9, 2016.

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