A MEMRI report published July 27, 2012, "Designated Terrorist Organization Hizbullah Makes Extensive Use Of U.S. Social Media - Apple iTunes, iPad and iPhone, Google, Android, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter - In Violation Of U.S. Law,"https://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/6547.htm) detailed how Hizbullah uses U.S.-based social media.
Following the publication of the MEMRI report, Apple removed Hizbullah's iPhone and iPad apps from iTunes, Google removed Hizbullah's Android app from Google Play, and Facebook removed Hizbullah's two Facebook pages (see "MEMRI Report on Hizbullah's Use Of U.S. Social Media Companies Leads To Facebook, Apple, Google Removing Their Content; Twitter And YouTube Still In Violation Of U.S. Law," August 2, 2012,https://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/6560.htm).
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