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Terms found: qatar (documents: 17964, hits: 59712); israel (documents: 97176, hits: 326349); hamas (documents: 27660, hits: 120471); mediating (documents: 324, hits: 369); qatar & israel & hamas & mediating (documents: 157).

Special Dispatch No. 11713 - Qatari Government Dailies Continue To Praise Hamas' October 7 Attack On Israel: It Was A Historic, Heroic Act That Saved The Muslim Nation - 12/05/24

Qatar, which recently announced the resumption of its role as mediator between Israel and Hamas, maintains its unreserved support for Hamas and its flagrantly anti-Israel position, as reflected in its government media. (On this ongoing Qatari stance, see MEMRI report ). On the first anniversary of Hamas' October 7, 2023 attack, in which about 1,200 Israelis were murdered and 240 were taken hostage, the Qatari government press published a number of articles glorifying the attack, which Hamas ...

Special Dispatch No. 11703 - Qatar's Theatre Of The Absurd Under The Auspices Of The UN: A Corrupt Sponsor Of Terror Pretends To Fight Corruption And Terrorism - 11/27/24

The world has recently witnessed several absurd events held by Qatar in collaboration with the UN, aimed at whitewashing the former's deep involvement in funding terrorist and Islamist extremist organizations and in promoting corruption, and thus buying the approval of Europe and the U.S. 1. The Farce Of The Qatari Emir's Anti-Corruption Excellence Award While Qatar's involvement in numerous corruption scandals around the world is known to all, 1 an absurd spectacle has been taking place for ...

Special Dispatch No. 11687 - Article In Qatari Daily Praises Hamas' October 7 Attack On Israel: It Was A 'Heroic Operation' In Which 'The Resistance Fighters Managed To Hide Dozens Of Zionist Hostages Underground, Eliminating All Traces Of Them' - 11/20/24

On October 8, 2024, the Qatari daily Al-Sharq published an article titled "Let Us Celebrate the Heroism and Steadfastness of Gaza,” glorifying Hamas' October 7, 2023 attack on Israel, in which approximately 1,200 Israelis were murdered and about 240 were taken hostage. The article, by Iraqi journalist Jassem Al-Shamari, described the October 7 attack as a heroic and well-considered operation that restored the prestige of the Muslim nation. It also praised the fighting tactics employed by Hamas' ...

Special Announcements No. 1558 - Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) Weekly: October 26-November 2, 2024 - 11/02/24

... the IDF's Glilot base in central Israel, north of Tel Aviv. On First Anniversary Of Hamas Al-Aqsa Flood Operation, Houthi Ansar Allah ... A Lot In Afghanistan's Negotiations And Freedom' In recent weeks, Qatar has been mediating between the Afghan Taliban and Italy and Germany to ... on Telegram marking the first anniversary of the October 7 Hamas attacks in Israel, Hizb-ut-Tahrir Afghanistan laments that "infidel countries" are united with ...

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 667 - A Moment Before It's Too Late: A Message To The Families Of The Hostages - 10/28/24

The Israeli national ethos demands the release of the hostages – and there is a way to bring them back. This approach has a higher chance of success than the policy currently adopted by the Israeli government. It is also more effective and safer than military pressure, which could endanger both the hostages and the forces trying to rescue them. The way forward – perhaps the only way – is to apply massive pressure on Qatar instead of negotiating with it. Most Israelis are unaware of Qatar's role ...

Yigal Carmon

Special Announcements No. 1532 - Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) Weekly: October 12-19, 2024 - 10/17/24

The following are some of this week's reports from the MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) Project, which translates and analyzes content from sources monitored around the clock, among them the most important jihadi websites and blogs. (To view these reports in full, you must be a paying member of the JTTM; for membership information, send an email to with "Membership" in the subject line.) Note to media and government: For a full copy of these reports, send an ...

Special Dispatch No. 11621 - Qatari Anti-U.S. Media Campaign As Reflected In Press Cartoons That Demonize It, Blame It For War In Gaza - 10/16/24

In the past months the Qatari papers, published in Qatar and in London, have continued to publish flagrantly anti-American cartoons 1 that demonize and mock the U.S. and accuse it of abetting Israel’s war in Gaza by lending it military, political and legal support. Some cartoons even depict Israel as being in control of the U.S. Demonization of U.S. and virulent criticism against it are also prominent in Qatari press articles that refer to it as “the cursed Uncle Sam” 2 and “the nation of ...

Special Dispatch No. 11617 - The Iran-Israel War: Tehran Threatens Israel, The Gulf States, And The U.S. – But Asks The U.S. To Protect It - 10/15/24

Following Iran's second missile attack on Israel, on October 1, 2024, the Iranian regime is trying to deter Israel, via pressure on the U.S., from retaliating, using two main approaches. The first approach is various threats, including threats to destroy Israeli cities, to harm the economies of Iran's Arab neighbors, and to harm Western interests by striking oil facilities and causing a spike in oil prices, as well as to expand the conflict to Jordan and Bahrain, launch a regional war, change ...

Special Dispatch No. 11613 - Amid Fatah-Hamas Reconciliation Efforts, Palestinian Authority President Abbas Meets With Hamas Figures In Qatar, Praises Late Hamas Leader Isma'il Haniya - 10/11/24

In early October 2024, while visiting Qatar to attend the Asia Cooperation Dialogue Summit, Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas met with two of the sons of Isma'il Haniya, the late head of Hamas’ political bureau, who was assassinated in Tehran on July 30. During the meeting Abbas praised Haniya and emphasized the unity of the Palestinian people in the struggle "to end the occupation of their land and to establish an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital." ...

Special Dispatch No. 11611 - Since Hamas' October 7 Attack On Israel, Qatar's Unreserved Support For Hamas, Incitement Against Israel, Continues On The Political, Media, Educational And Religious Levels - 10/10/24

Since Hamas' deadly attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, and throughout the war that broke out in its aftermath, the state of Qatar, its media, and institutions affiliated with it have consistently expressed unreserved support for Hamas and for terror and armed violence against Israel. This support finds expression on all levels, in statements by officials and religious clerics, in the media and in the education system. Despite its ostensible role as a mediator between Hamas and Israel, Qatar, ...
