June 4, 2018 Special Dispatch No. 7505

Turkish Twitter Posts Praise Adolf Hitler: 'I Wish He Had Killed All Of Them'

June 4, 2018
Turkey | Special Dispatch No. 7505

Under Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his party, the AKP, antisemitism in Turkey has increased. In early 2005, Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf was the fourth best-selling book in the country, selling 50,000 copies.[1] It is now available not only in bookstores but at venues such as Migros[2] – the country's fourth-largest supermarket chain, with over 1,800 locations.[3] Thirty-five separate Turkish book-publishing houses have printed translations of it by at least 21 different translators; of these 35 editions, eight were published in 2016, nine in 2017, and another one in February 2018.[4] There have been attacks on synagogues[5] and antisemitic depictions of Jews on television programming on the Turkish state-owned TV network TRT,[6] as documented by the MEMRI Tom Lantos Archives on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial. Turkish antisemitic content has spread to other social media platforms, including Facebook and YouTube, and President Erdoğan and other AKP politicians have been depicting Jews and Israel as foes and using them as scapegoats in order to rally voters ahead of the general elections set for June 24, 2018.[7]

This report includes Turkish-language tweets praising Hitler and Nazism. Though many are from May 2018, this report includes tweets dating back to 2010. The tweets include references to Hitler and Jews such as: "If Hitler had lived, maybe now your lineage would be extinct and the world would be purified of a handful of filth" and "Hitler and Nazi Germany will be known and remembered with gratitude and respect." Many include a quote attributed to Hitler: "One day you will curse me for every Jew I did not kill." The tweets in this report received a total of approximately 1,500 "likes" and 480 retweets.

Tweets From 2018

On May 15, 2018, Twitter user @ahmetcoskun511 wrote:

"I celebrate the Germans because they killed the Jews. Hitler, who discovered the devil in the world before everyone else, was a very farseeing and visionary person. I wish he had killed all of them."

On May 18, 2018, Twitter user @BayramErgin19 wrote:

"These Jews cannot just be condemned, they need to be erased from the Earth, thrown, like Hitler did, burned in ovens."

On May 19, 2018, Twitter user @FermanTr2023 wrote:

"Adolf Hitler really loved the Jews. He loved them so much he would host them in his gas chambers."

On May 16, 2018, user @F_1453 wrote:

"The capital of Israel is master Adolf Hitler's gas chambers..."

On May 17, 2018, user @Nasihatler wrote:

"Oh Israelites, you have deserved a new Hitler for a long time. With what you have done and the curses you have received, his appearance is near. This always happened this way. And you will not find a Prophet Moses to part the sea and save you."

On May 15, 2018, user @aymesev_34 wrote:


"If Hitler had lived, maybe now your lineage would be extinct and the world would be purified of a handful of filth.


On May 24, 2018, user @Golden_Swastika wrote:

"Hitler and Nazi Germany will be known and remembered with gratitude and respect, hatred of the Jew will be formed."

On May 15, 2018, user @kransrpl wrote:


"It's King Hitler.

"We just now understood the man's value."

"Soap made from not one, not two, not three, not four, but five Jews is just 15 Turkish lira."

On May 15, 2018, user @dadas_istan wrote:

"We really miss you Adolf Hitler, I wish you had killed all of these packs of dogs."

On May 25, 2018, user @jeanvaljeanblok wrote:

"I never lied, I never promised things that would never come true, as others did. For this reason, people hated me.

"Adolf Hitler."

On May 21, 2018, user @erl48 wrote:

"Hitler too was a conspiracy, when the Jews did not migrate to Israel, they ran away with the fear of Hitler and settled there. There were Jewish banks behind Hitler. The games never end with the Jews."

On May 21, 2018, user @Turkcubilgi wrote:

"The Turkish-German Non-Aggression Treaty signed at Hitler's request. June 18, 1941."

On May 17, 2018, user @NecdetYalcinka4 wrote:

"The world will understand me but it will be too late. Adolf Hitler."

On the same day, user @NecdetYalcinka4 wrote:

"I am going to surrender the world to God cleansed of Jews. Adolf Hitler."

On May 17, 2018, user @mustafakasap192 wrote:

"Aldof Hitler did not do enough to the Jews, he should have completely dried up their lineage...!"

On May 16, 2018, user @ihsanemirhan wrote:

"You will curse me for every Jew that I did not kill.

"Adolf Hitler."

On May 16, 2018, user @Cakici_Efe1453 wrote:

"Adolf Hitler said one day you will curse me because I did not kill all the Jews. I wish he had dried up their lineage.."

On May 16, 2018, user @dortkardes63 wrote:

"How right Hitler was, wasn't he?"

"A day will come when you will curse me for every Jew I did not kill."

On May 16, 2018, user @mucahit_meric wrote:

"You will curse me for every Jew I did not kill.

"Adolf Hitler."

On May 13, 2018, user @husnumahalli wrote:

"The Holy Quran that Hitler had printed and was about to distribute to Muslims."

On May 14, 2018, user @serkanoztrk_ wrote:

"Hitler, who said there will come a day that you will curse me for every Jew that I did not kill, summarized it very well."

On May 15, 2018, user @_Analizci_ wrote:

"There will come a day;

"when you will curse me for every Jew that I did not kill.

"Adolf Hitler (from his suicide note)"

On May 15, 2018, user @Maignaydin72 wrote:

"Today I see that this man is right.

"Hitler; 'A day will come when you will curse me for every Jew I did not kill.'

"Indeed, today I curse Hitler, because he did not finish off the Jews."

On May 15, 2018, user @portklburak wrote:

"Today it is not possible to not see the truth of what Hitler said;

"'One day you will curse me for every Jew I did not kill.'

"#StandWithQuds #Nakba70 #OurHeartIsInPalestine."

On May 14, 2018, user @alptekin023 wrote:

"'A day will come when you will curse me for every Jew I did not kill.'

"Adolf Hitler.

"(I am cursing him, how about you?)"

On May 14, 2018, user @umut_5373 wrote:

"How right Hitler was,

"The Jews are the cancer of this world."


On May 14, 2018, user @_Kayi_Han_ wrote:

"'One day you will curse me for every Jew I did not kill.'

"When these killers carry out a massacre, I cannot keep myself from cursing Hitler."

On May 14, 2018, user @atavratinamoto wrote:

"A day will come; you will curse me because I did not kill all the Jews!

"Adolf Hitler.


On May 11, 2018, user @Dacnomania1989 wrote:

"Hitler was Allah's grace for us."

On May 15, 2018, user @Belgin26466926 wrote:

"Adolf Hitler where are you?"

On May 16, 2018, user @751Talas wrote:

"Hitler didn't say it for nothing 'one day the whole Muslim world will be mad at me because I did not kill all the Jews.'"

On May 16, 2018, user @gecesiz_ wrote:

"You will curse me for every Jew I did not kill. Adolf Hitler."

On May 16, 2018, user @Twit_Doktoru_61 wrote:

"4) Adolph Hitler said 'One day you will curse me for every Jew I did not kill.' Actually he himself was a Polish immigrant and had Jewish ancestry. But Jewish companies are the source of and provide the financing for all the strife, corruption, and manipulation on the Earth."

On May 15, 2018, user @UzunAli wrote:

"A day will come when you will curse me for every Jew I did not kill.

"Adolf Hitler.

"(No matter how much Hitler was a Jewish conspiracy, the reality that we curse now is clear)."

On May 16, 2018, user @TurgayArakli wrote:

"You will curse me for every Jew that I did not kill.

"Adolf Hitler."

On May 14, 2018, user @enbuyuk_fb wrote:


"Sometimes I think Hitler was right.

"Murderer Israel."

Tweets From 2010-2017

On June 2, 2010, Twitter user @CinarOkann wrote:

"Let the Israeli government all be executed together. We miss Adolf Hitler."

On November 13, 2013, user @orhungnes wrote:

"We miss our brother Hitler."

On July 18, 2014, user @abdpskn wrote:

"I swear we miss Hitler."

On July 19, 2014, user @Izdihamdergi wrote:

"We miss Hitler."

On April 5, 2015, user @ilbertongaa wrote:

"Hitler we miss you great leader."

On Dec 12, 2016, user @madebybaskan wrote:

"I swear we miss my companion Adolf Hitler."

On December 7, 2017, user @_Mlikee wrote:

"I swear we miss Hitler."


[1], March 18, 2005.

[2], March 5, 2016.

[3], November 11, 2017.


[5], July 21, 2017.

[7], May 25, 2018.

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