Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan visited Iran as the Islamic Republic celebrated the anniversary of the seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Iran in 1979. During a speech At Tehran University, Farrakhan said that the U.S. is "gloating" over new economic sanctions. He said that nothing happens without the will of Allah, and added: "Is it not true that you have called America the Great Satan? If you believe that, then wouldn't Satan be actively involved in trying to destroy a nation that is set up on... submission to the will of God?" He also called on Iranians to persevere and to "carry forward the Revolution." Part of Farrakhan's speech aired on IRINN TV on November 4, 2018. MEMRI has released clips and reports on Farrakhan in the past, which can be found in this report.
To view the clip of Louis Farrakhan on MEMRI TV, click here or below.
"Would Not Satan Be Actively Involved In Trying To Destroy A Nation That Is Set Up On The Belief And Practice Of Submission To The Will Of God?"
Louis Farrakhan: "I am coming to you from the United States of America, that is gloating over the fact that the President of the United States is going to place on the Islamic Republic the most stringent sanctions that have ever been placed on any nation before.
"Nothing happens but by the active or permissive will of Allah.
"So one who is spiritual, or believers in Allah, might ask the question: Why is Iran suffering so much, particularly from the United States of America?
"Is it not true that you have called America the Great Satan?
"Well, if you believe what you say, then would not Satan be actively involved in trying to destroy a nation that is set up on the belief and practice of submission to the will of God?
"If You Have The Strength To Persevere Under These Hard Trials, The Victory Will Be Yours"
"So we should not be surprised at what Satan does to ill-affect the righteous.
"All that your elders have sacrificed will mean nothing if you do not pick up the revolution and carry it forward.
"America is making it very hard for Iran to successfully carry out its mission.
"But if you have the strength to persevere under these hard trials, the victory will be yours."
Louis Farrakhan, Leader Of The Nation Of Islam: 'What Proof Have We Heard From These Wicked Deceivers That It Was Osama Bin Laden' Who Carried Out 9/11, September 16, 2010
Click here to view the clip on MEMRI TV.
Leader Of 'Nation Of Islam' Louis Farrakhan Explains: Major Nidhal Hassan Was Cursed By Superiors And Fellow Soldiers, November 6, 2009
Click here to view the clip on MEMRI TV.
Louis Farrakhan, Leader Of The 'Nation Of Islam,' Declares His Support Of Iran's Nuclear Program And Claims That Since The U.S. Administration Ignored His Warnings, 'The Time For The Chastisement Of Allah Is Here', March 18, 2007
Click here to view the clip on MEMRI TV.
Louis Farrakhan In Iran: America Is A Sinking Ship; Despite Its Filth, I Feel At Home There, March 5, 2016
Click here to view the clip on MEMRI TV.
'Nation Of Islam' Leader Louis Farrakhan Doubts 9/11: America Was Looking For A New Pearl Harbor, April 23, 2011
Click here to view the clip on MEMRI TV.
Nation Of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan Supports Libyan Leader Al-Qadhafi And Threatens Europe And America: You Will Be Drowned In Your Own Blood, June 15, 2011
Click here to view the clip on MEMRI TV.
Ahmadinejad In NY, September 2010 – Meeting With Farrakhan, Addressing U.N. General Assembly; Full Text Of U.N. Speech
Click here to read the full report.