October 21, 2022 Special Dispatch No. 10274

In Qatar On Eve Of FIFA World Cup, Condemnation Of LGBTQ Community Continues

October 21, 2022
Qatar | Special Dispatch No. 10274

A month before the scheduled opening of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, expressions of anti-LGBTQ sentiment in the country continue. On October 17, Qatari Member of Parliament Nasser bin Hassan Al-Kubaisi tweeted: "The constitution and the law in Qatar do not permit homosexuals to raise their flag or to promote their deviant ideas. As a representative of the Qatari people and one who expresses its values, I will not accept the raising of flags of moral deterioration in our country. We will welcome everyone to the World Cup as long as they respect our religion and our customs as well as our constitution and our law."[1]

Al-Kusaibi's tweet

Al-Kubaisi's message is one more in a series of such anti-LGBTQ statements and condemnation that have appeared in the Qatari media, including social media.

Needless to say, Al-Kubaisi's  anti-LGBTQ positions, and similar positions expressed in Qatar in advance of the 2022 World Cup, contradict the joint strategy published by Qatar and FIFA in January 2022. That strategy prohibits, among other things, discrimination against any individual, group, or state on the basis of race, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, disability, language, religion, etc.[2] These positions are also at odds with statements by Nasser Al-Khater, CEO of the World Cup's organizing committee, to CNN in a November 18, 2019 interview; he said that all fans would be welcome in Qatar regardless of their nationality, race, religion or sexual orientation."[3]

The following are MEMRI reports about this issue:

Special Dispatch No. 8590, Homophobia In Qatar: Cancellation Of Event With Rock Band Whose Lead Singer Is Gay; Article Against Children’s Book 'Promoting Homosexuality', February 26, 2020.

Special Dispatch No. 8876, Media Advisor At Qatari Foreign Ministry: Homosexuality Is Unnatural And A Grave Sin, August 3, 2020.

Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 1613, Despite Qatar's Promise To Respect Gay Community In World Cup, Incitement Against It In Qatari Media Continues, December 15, 2021.

Special Dispatch No. 9915, Qatari Writer Amal Abdulmalik Lashes Out At Disney's Plan To Promote LGBTQIA Characters, Says It Is Endorsing Culture That Is 'Contrary To Normalcy' Which Is 'Rejected Religiously And Socially By Most Religions And Societies,' Tells Parents To Explain To Children That This Is Aimed At 'Attacking The Islamic Religion In Order To Weaken The Muslims And The Islamic Identity', April 21, 2022.

Special Dispatch No 10040, Ahead Of FIFA World Cup In Qatar, Homophobic Incitement In Country Continues, June 27, 2022.


[1], October 17, 2022.

[2], January 21, 2020.

[3], November 18, 2022.

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