May 14, 2012 Special Dispatch No. 4730

Abu Basir Al-Tartousi Joins Mujahideen in Syria

May 14, 2012
Special Dispatch No. 4730

Prominent Salafi-jihadi cleric Abu Basir Al-Tartousi, who in recent years resided in London, has joined the ranks of the mujahideen in Syria. In a 1:33-minute video posted on his Facebook page, he is seen speaking with a group of men in a forest. The accompanying message, by the page's administrator, states that the video documents a meeting between Al-Tartousi and "free" jihad fighters inside Syria, but does not specify which jihad group Al-Tartousi has joined. However, in the past the sheikh has expressed support for the Free Syrian Army and criticized Jabhat Al-Nusra. The term "free" could therefore imply that the sheikh has joined the former organization; alternatively, it might imply that his comrades are not affiliated with any group. ...

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