West Bank-Based Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades Claims Attack Near Hebron, Threatens More Attacks On 'Jews', Calls On Palestinians To Carry Out Lone Wolf Attacks

September 6, 2023

On September 4, 2023, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, based in the West Bank, issued a "military" statement claiming responsibility for an attack on an Israeli settlement near Hebron.

"With Allah's grace and blessings, one of our military cells operating in the area of the town of Beit Ummar was able to target on Monday evening the occupied Bait Ayin [settlement] with a heavy barrage of bullets. Our fighters returned safely under Allah's care," said the statement, which was posted on a Telegram channel affiliated with the group.[1]

More Attacks

Further, the statement threatened Israeli authorities, saying that more attacks will follow if any of the group's detained members are harmed: "And we say to these extremist Zionist gangs that harming our steadfast mountains [fighters] in the occupation's detention centers will open the doors of Hell for the Zionist enemy."

The statement also included a poem vowing to free prisoners: "We will not leave our prisoners alone... Our prisoners are a red line, and our women are a red line."

Message To Lone Wolves: 'It Is Time To Kill The Jews'

Calling on Palestinians in the West Bank to carry out lone wolf attacks, the poem continued:

"Oh heroes of the West Bank, go stab [them]

"Oh heroes of Hebron, run [them] over

"Oh heroes of Nablus, kill [them]

"Oh heroes of Jenin, detonate [them]

"Oh heroes of Jerusalem, the land is yours, what are you waiting for? It is time to kill the Jews."

'Avenge Women And Prisoners'

The poem further called on Palestinians to avenge the women allegedly harmed in Hebron and Al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as prisoners:

"Cut off the hand [that hurts them], strike them in the depths. Resist, then resist, then resist, for death is a must. Blood for blood, Oh children of Zion. We shall not live if they [Jews] do."


[1] Telegram, September 4, 2023.

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