In Pashtu-Language Book, Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP) Criticizes Afghan Taliban For Seeking UN Membership Despite UN Charter Principles That Contradict Shari'a

December 21, 2023

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In a Pashtu-language book, the Islamic State's Khurasan Province (ISKP) says that in order to become members in the United Nations, which it calls "the international organization of unbelief," the Afghan Taliban will have to accept the UN Charter despite the principles reflected in it that contradict shari'a, such as gender equality and secularism.

The unnamed author of the book, titled "The Emirate Of The Unbeliever Nations," says that the 2020 Doha Agreement between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA, i.e., the Afghan Taliban) and the United States was meant to suppress the Islamic State (ISIS) and for this reason Taliban rulers assure the Americans and other "unbelieving" nations that there will be no danger from Afghanistan. It says the goal of the Doha agreement is to confront ISIS and adds: "The ominous agreement of the Taliban militia is a surrender before all unbelievers, whose main goal is to prevent the real Islamic shari'a and confront the mujahideen of the Islamic State."

The book severely criticizes Afghan Taliban's Interior Minister Sirajuddin Haqqani's meeting with Roza Otunbayeva, head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Afghanistan (UNAMA) and says that the Taliban are carrying out the plans given by unbelievers with complete sincerity. "In order to prove his loyalty to his lord, Siraj Haqqani renewed his promise once again that the security of all the unbelievers  and the blasphemous world is as important to him as Afghanistan," the book says.

The book was published by the Al-Azaim Media Foundation, a media outlet linked to the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), which defines itself as a supporting entity for the Islamic State (ISIS). A PDF copy of the 61-page book was shared by a Telegram channel known for publishing ISKP-related material in Pashtu and Dari.

The Pashtu book's cover

On the topic of the UN, the book says "Now, for the membership in the international organization of unbelief, the United Nations (the unbeliever nations), whose duty is to monitor the implementation of democracy in the world, protect the interests of unbelievers, destroy Islam and kill Muslims, the Talib[an] polytheists are busy begging day and night."

It notes that the UN Charter says all should have equal rights, which is in contradiction with shari'a because "Allah makes a difference between people." It adds that a woman cannot be a leader, a military commander, or a judge. "The United Nations Charter, which the Taliban give 100 percent assurance to their unbeliever lords that they will implement, also states: International laws, principles and agreements should be respected and prioritized before anything else."

The Taliban prioritize the blasphemous laws of the United Nations over shari'a, the book argues, saying: "It is blasphemy by the Taliban to prioritize the enacted and blasphemous laws of the United Nations over Islamic shari'a." The author reminds the reader that "There is no freedom of belief in Islam" and "Secularism, of which the United Nations is the most important and major authority for implementation, and freedom of belief is in opposition to Islam, and freedom of belief is rejected in Islam; and it is the principle of unbelief."

It notes that the UN Charter states: "It is the responsibility of the member states to make a joint effort for international peace and to protect common interests for the purpose of ensuring the security of the whole world."

Reminding the reader how they have seen and heard that the Taliban are doing this and have admitted to doing so, it describes how at one time, former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani described his soldiers as Washington's bodyguards and now high-ranking Taliban officials assure peace to all their "unbeliever lords," they are making a joint effort with them for world peace, have shared interests, and are in secret and open agreements for the purpose of obstructing the Islamic State, the book says, "because this is a condition of membership in the United Nations, and Taliban leaders have accepted it."

The book observes: "The idea, belief, and action of cooperating in solving the economic, cultural, and humanitarian problems of international unbelievers, and promoting human rights without [regard to] gender, religious, or linguistic differences, and committing to respect fundamental freedoms, [all] have no place in Islam." It declares: "The Taliban are followers of the religion of secularism, which is a religion that conflicts with Islam, and all followers of this secularism, which is an independent religion, are apostates."

The book dismisses the Afghan Taliban as "militias" working for the West, especially for assuring their "unbeliever lords" that not a single "unbeliever" will be attacked from Afghanistan. It slams the Taliban rulers for not accepting "any more foreign muhajireen [i.e., foreign fighters]" and for having expelled "the muhajireen who came in the past." If any of the foreign muhajireen are secretly cooperating with the Islamic State (ISIS), the Taliban officials follow them day and night and kill them along with their children, it says. Because they do not belong to their homeland and become a headache for the unbelievers, not only was the jihad suspended and declared over by the Afghan Taliban, but emigration into Afghanistan was also stopped for the same purpose, it adds.

The Taliban "were brought to power for this reason so that Afghanistan does not become a place of emigration for the Muslims of the world; a plan against the unbelievers should not be made from here. Therefore, the United Nations tied them to their blasphemous principles and then entrusted the authority and power of Kabul to them," the book says, lamenting that when the Taliban took power, they declared the end of jihad and said that America is no longer our enemy.

The United Nations divided the Muslims by creating homelands and borders based on territory rather than remaining in a single Ummah, and now people do not think about the caliphate but only about patriotism, the book says, and says that secular patriotism will cause the Ummah to face widespread confusion, misguidance, and decline. Believing in secular patriotism is accepting the pillars of the "Kufri [associated with unbelief]" secular religion, it adds.

It tells ISKP followers that fighting within the borders and patriotism is "ignorance" and Muslims should fight against the unbelievers outside the borders as well, adding: "Anyone who had a patriotic thought related to the Western project (secularism) and accepted it, is an unfaithful spy of the American project... The wars of those people are the wars of ignorance that they fight for the sake of patriotism, they never benefit Islam."

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