Hizbullah Publishes Photos Of Recently-Deceased Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi With Its Militants During A Visit To Southern Lebanon, Says: Support For The Mujahideen In Lebanon And Palestine Was An Ideological Principle For Him

May 23, 2024

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Following the May 19, 2024 death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash in northwestern Iran, Hizbullah's Al-Ahed website published an article praising his support for Hizbullah. The article featured photos from Raisi's visit to Lebanon in 2018, approximately three years before he was elected President of Iran. During this visit, Raisi met with Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah and visited the group's field commanders in the Al-Tufah region in South Lebanon.

The article says that from the beginning of his political career until his death as a "martyr," Raisi  "did everything he could for the resistance," and adds: "Support for the mujahideen that ambush the Israeli enemy in South Lebanon and in Palestine in general was a fixed principle in his ideological outlook."

According to the article, during Raisi's meeting with Nasrallah the two men spoke about "matters of the resistance and the constant conflict with the occupation." During the visit to the Al-Tufah region, Raisi toured outposts manned by Hizbullah militants, learned about their readiness, and received explanations about the weapons at their disposal. The article also notes that Raisi praised Hizbullah's fighters and their achievements, saying: "This is an important day for me, since I am standing alongside you mujahideen, who have confronted the enemies for the sake of Allah… I pray every day for Nasrallah."

The article concludes: "South Lebanon lost someone today who loved it and its resistance very much and who helped it greatly…"[1]


[1] May 22, 2024.

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