In Graduation Ceremony Of Second Batch Of General Mobilization Forces, Houthi Ansar Allah Movement Showcases Attack On Virtual Israeli, American, British Targets

January 21, 2024

The following report is now a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here. 

On January 20, 2024, Yemen's Iran-backed Ansar Allah Movement (the Houthis) reported[1] on its official website that that day, the group held a military maneuver in the Bani Matar district of Yemen's Sanaa governorate. The maneuver was carried out on the graduation of the second batch of general mobilization forces from the "Al-Aqsa Flood centers" in the Al-Hadab and Bani Qays subdistricts, under the title "You Are Not Alone."

The operation included shelling "virtual targets of the enemy" and "crushing its positions" with heavy weaponry over a large geographical area, "in mountains and valleys." Attacking from several directions, the soldiers raided simulated positions of the enemy, "embodied by the Zionist entity [Israel], the U.S., and Britain," where they raised a Palestinian flag.

The report adds that the maneuver reflected the high level of the general mobilization forces, their combat skills, and readiness to fight against the "enemies of the ummah [Islamic nation]" in support of the Palestinian people.

The event was attended by several Houthi security officials, local leaders and notables. Yahya Al-Qanous, Directory-General of the Bani Matar district, stated that the maneuver was part of the group's "preparations and raising of alertness" for confronting the "American, Zionist, and British" enemies. He added that the group's troops were ready to participate in the "fight of holy jihad" alongside the "Palestinian resistance" until the liberation of all the Palestinian lands from the "Zionist occupation," as well as to confront the "American-British aggression" against Yemen.

Since U.S. and British forces first attacked Houthi targets in Yemen on January 11, the group has issued multiple threats against both countries.[2] In recent months, it has conducted military parades and maneuvers to demonstrate Houthi readiness to assist Palestinians.[3]

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