Neo-Nazi And White Supremacist Reactions To Taliban Takeover Of Afghanistan – Part II: In U.S. And Internationally, Further Expressions Of Support, Praise For Taliban Victory And Opposition To Coming Influx Of Afghan Refugees

August 27, 2021

Since U.S. forces withdrew from Afghanistan and the Taliban took control of Kabul, neo-Nazis and white supremacists on Telegram, Gab, 4Chan, and other extremist forums and social media platforms have been reacting to the news. Many have responded with support for the group, hoping that a similar revolution could occur in Western nations. Others expressed support for the hardline social policies of the Taliban, particularly in relation to the group's violent punishment of homosexuality and policies related to women. For example, Irish white supremacist Keith Woods posted on his Telegram channel, saying: "Think how evil the American regime had to be to go from 90% support for the Afghanistan war in 2001 to having the most patriotic Americans cheering on the Taliban two decades later. We're watching the process of how corrupt Empires collapse from within in real time."

In the week following the Taliban capture of Kabul, these groups and individuals have continued to offer commentary on the situation, with many now focusing on the potential influx of Afghan refugees into Western nations. Neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Australia, South Africa, the U.K., Europe, and the U.S. have also continued to express a desire to see a similar situation unfold in their own nations, with many explicitly expressing solidarity with the Taliban. Other users and groups have continued to criticize U.S. politicians, senior military figures, media organizations, and tech companies for their perceived failures in handling the situation.

Following initial reactions to the takeover, which was documented in a MEMRI DTTM report published last week,[1] the following covers more recent responses to the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan.

Table Of Contents

  • Neo-Nazis And White Supremacists Express Support And Solidarity For The Taliban, Take Inspiration From Their Victory
  • White Supremacist And Neo-Nazi Users Fear Further Afghan Immigration
  • White Supremacists And Neo-Nazis Criticize U.S. Leaders, Media, And Tech Companies For Their Handling Of The Afghanistan Situation

Neo-Nazis And White Supremacists Express Support And Solidarity For The Taliban, Take Inspiration From Their Victory

A South African neo-Nazi shared on his Telegram channel on August 19 the latest episode of his podcast. In this episode the host and their guests discussed the Taliban's conquest of Kabul, claiming that "lessons can be learned by us [Afrikaners], as a persecuted ethnic minority." The host asserted that the U.S. "was bluffing when they said that they would level South Africa to the ground if Boers should ever attempt to reclaim their homeland... I'm glad that what happened in Afghanistan happened for the sole purpose that it shows our people that this self-proclaimed god can bleed... if Boers actually attempted to fight back the positives would far outweigh the negatives."

An Irish white supremacist wrote on his Telegram channel on August 19: "Think how evil the American regime had to be to go from 90% support for the Afghanistan war in 2001 to having the most patriotic Americans cheering on the Taliban two decades later. We're watching the process of how corrupt Empires collapse from within in real time."

In a white supremacist group on Gab, a user posted a collage of newspaper headlines referring to the Taliban's hardline homophobic and misogynistic views, commenting: "Very true. The Taliban won't put up with fruity fairy f**gots, loud mouth feminists, scantly clad prostitutes and harlots etc. etc. etc. in Afghanistan. One of my biggest criticism of the conservative counter-jihad movement is they act like this is a bad thing, they act like it's evil for Moslem governments to not let dope, weed, vape, alcoholism, adultery, gambling, homosexuality, cross-dressing degeneracy, transgender freaks, any other LGBTP freaks, feminisim, scantly clad harlots etc. run wild in their nations. Islam is still satanic, demonic, and evil regardless, but even a broken clock is right sometimes."

On Gab, a neo-Nazi user wrote: "Taliban getting US military gear is accelerationist. If you're complaining about that you're a pro-liberal establishment cuck. Go get your vax."

White Supremacist And Neo-Nazi Users Fear Further Afghan Immigration

A South African white supremacist posted on his Telegram channel on August 19 a screenshot of an August 17 tweet saying: "Taliban makes bacha bazi [i.e., an Afghan custom involving child rape and prostitution] illegal, 10,000 men flock to the airport to try and escape to America hmm." The accompanying message reads: "Looks like we're in for an entirely new kind of rape gang when they unleash millions of pissed off Bacha Bazi practitioners."

On VK a British white supremacist wrote: "The UK government is beginning to bring out my evil side. I fucking hate them with a passion." He included an image of a wolf with text reading: "I'm a good person but don't give me a reason to show my evil side." He added: "Not only have we got illegal immigrants coming in everyday we now have to put up with fucking Afghans who will get nice houses to live in while we have got our own people on housing waiting lists and people on the streets. It really pisses me off it really does and I know I'm not the only one who is disgusted by this."

White Supremacists And Neo-Nazis Criticize U.S. Leaders, Media, And Tech Companies For Their Handling Of The Afghanistan Situation

Two white supremacist Telegram channels posted two separate memes showing a digitally manipulated image of President Biden with a turban and a beard. One features the text, "Taliban Employee of the month." The other features the text, "Jihad Joe A Real American Zero."


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