Pakistani Parliament Passes Controversial Cyber Crime Bill

April 22, 2016


On April 14, 2016, the Pakistani parliament passed a controversial cyber-crime bill that gives authorities sweeping power to taking various cyber-related offenses. The bill has been criticizes by the opposition on the grounds that it could be used to punish government dissenters.

The bill enables the government to remove, block, or restrict access to any information believed to be against public order, decency, morality, the glory of Islam, or the integrity, security, or defense of Pakistan. It also carries penalties for creating fear or panic or stoking sectarian strife. The bill sets penalties of up to 14 years in prison and 50 million Pakistani rupees (some $477,395) fines for violators, as well as two-year prison terms and up to 500,000 rupee fines for misusing mobile phones, and 10-year prison sentences and 10 million rupee fines for superimposing anyone's picture on a sexually explicit image.

Source:, April 14, 2016.

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