On March 17, 2024, a Telegram channel affiliated with Yemen's Ansar Allah Movement, a.k.a. the Houthis, announced a fundraising campaign dubbed "Besiege Israel," calling on supporters to donate money to the Navy and Coastal Defense Forces of Yemen's Armed Forces.
The campaign comes in the context of the "Battle of Promised Victory and Holy Jihad," a military campaign launched by Houthi Supreme Leader Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi in support of Palestinians in Gaza and in response to Operation Prosperity Guardian, the U.S.-led military operation by a multinational coalition formed in December 2023, to respond to Houthi-led attacks on shipping in the Red Sea.
The Telegram post contained a poster as well as link to a one minute and 43 second video with a graphic detailing how donors can contribute to the effort to support the group's Navy and Coastal Defense Forces. Funds can be deposited in Yemen's Central Bank Yemen's Post Office or via mobile donation via SMS or phone call using "all mobile operators."
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