On January 11, 2023, Emirati media reported that Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Crown Prince of Dubai Hamdan bin Mohammed had a meeting with the founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, publishing photos that show Durov during the reception held at the Zaabel palace in Dubai. It was reported earlier that Durov obtained Emirati citizenship in February 2021.
Reacting to the meeting, jihadi clerics published tweets warning their supporters that the meeting signals the beginning of a new crackdown aimed at jihadi Telegram accounts. A Twitter account linked to Jordan-based jihadi ideologue commented: "They even gave him citizenship! And he lives in Emirates to escape paying taxes as reported by the news. Those who use the application must be careful! Leaks of Telegram messages of many groups have been proved particularly in countries where the UAE has a military or security role," it warned.
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