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Terms found: blood (documents: 9719, hits: 17493); libel (documents: 238, hits: 372); blood & libel (documents: 115).

Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 1226 - Hizbullah Faces Criticism In Lebanon For Besieging Madaya: Its Starvation Of Syrians Recalls Past Crimes Of Mass Extermination In History - 02/09/16

... the accusations against Hizbullah were nothing but "organized libel and fabricated allegations being deliberately spread by the ... Columnist: Hizbullah Is Like Dracula Sucking The Syrians' Blood In a particularly caustic article in the Lebanese daily Al-Mustaqbal ... Shaul compared Hizbullah to Dracula sucking the Syrians' blood: "Behold Hizbullah, the agent of Iranian Supreme Leader ... their children and their dead? Or Hizbullah, drunk on blood and no longer knowing right from wrong? ... "I feel ...

E. B. Picali

Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 1193 - 'Abbas: We Will Continue The Popular Resistance; Israel Is Plotting To Change Status Quo In Jerusalem; Israel Uses Terror, Executes Children - 10/16/15

... Israeli government and the settler herds", "execution in cold blood," and "Israel's hostile attack" - is obviously not conducive ... 'Abbas (image: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat , London, October 14, 2014) The Libel Of A Changed Status Quo At Al-Aqsa In his ... 14, 2015 speech on Palestinian television, 'Abbas reiterated the libel that was the main catalyst for the current terror ... 'Abbas: Israel Is Executing Palestinians, Including Children, In Cold Blood Another false accusation invoked by 'Abbas in his speech, ...

C. Jacob

Special Announcements No. 402 - Final Appeal For Our 2015 Summer Campaign - Please Support MEMRI Today - 09/02/15

... deter them, except the color of their filthy people's blood; nothing will deter them except for us voluntarily ... 'Zahra's Blue Eyes'... This weekly Iranian television series offered a libelous, odious, and highly inflammatory fiction..." Stills from Zahra's Blue ... MEMRI TV Clip To Challenge Hamas Spokesman On His Blood Libel Accusations In August 2014, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer used ... of Allah" and adding that "they will pay with blood... and with destruction," the Anti-Discrimination Board NSW of ...

Special Announcements No. 391 - MEMRI'S 2015 SUMMER CAMPAIGN – Please Support Us Today - 07/01/15

... - Monitoring antisemitic, and anti-U.S., and anti-West content, including Holocaust denial, blood libels, and conspiracy theories, in Arab and Iranian media and in ...

Special Announcements No. 384 - MEMRI Hosts Sixth Annual Capitol Hill Event Of The Lantos Archives On Antisemitism And Holocaust Denial - 05/27/15

... kill them. There were the Western motifs - the Protocols, the blood libel, demonization, conspiracies, that new we have today, 'Who burned the ...

Special Announcements No. 374 - The Blood Libel On Arab TV: Reports On Jews Using Christian Children's Blood For Passover Matzos – From The MEMRI TV Archives - 04/03/15

... . The following are a number of the clips on the blood libel added to the archives in the past year that ... be shown at this year's event. TO VIEW A COMPILATION OF BLOOD LIBEL VIDEOS FROM THIS YEAR, CLICK HERE . · Top Hamas Official ... Osama Hamdan: Jews Use Blood For Passover Matzos · Syrian Commentator Hussam ... Jordanian Pilot, Just Like They Knead Passover Matzos With Blood · Former Jordanian MP Abd Al-Mun'im Abu Zant: Jews Permit ...

Special Dispatch No. 5888 - Reactions In The Arab Press To The Jerusalem Synagogue Attack: Congratulations And Justification, With A Few Condemnations - 11/20/14

... the Jordanian and Qatari presses; one Qatari writer evoked the blood libel, calling the attack an appropriate response to those who bake ... justified the attack, and even evoked the blood libel, writing that the Israelis use Palestinian blood to bake cookies and drink glasses of ... Palestinian blood during their celebrations: "Every time Israel kills ...

Special Dispatch No. 5714 - Article In Egyptian Magazine: 'The Jews Can Rejoice In Their Holidays Only If They Eat Matza Laced With The Blood Of Non-Jews' - 04/17/14

... , she listed many alleged cases, including the 1840 Damascus blood libel. She added that as part of their efforts to ... , Spain, the Jews crucified a Christian boy and shed his blood before Passover. The incident was investigated and a court sentenced ... one of the Jews implicated in the 1840 Damascus blood libel converted to Islam during the investigation into the murder ... vampires might be Jews, rather than people who sell blood to hospitals." Endnotes: 1, April 5, 2014. 2 Al-Kibar (Egypt ...

Special Announcements No. 287 - MEMRI Hosts Fifth Annual Capitol Hill Event Of The Lantos Archives On Antisemitism And Holocaust Denial - 02/25/14

... representation who are openly xenophobic, openly antisemitic; who talk about blood libel in parliament; who talk about The Protocols of the Elders ...
