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Terms found: iran (documents: 32742, hits: 138528); "Death (documents: 373005, hits: 1824108); iran & "Death (documents: 1460).

Special Dispatch No. 1688 - Islamists Websites Monitor No. 124-130 - 04/14/08

Islamist Websites Monitor No. 124 Al-Qaeda in Algeria Announces Plan to Perpetrate Series of Terrorist Attacks, Warns the Muslims to Stay Away from Government Facilities to Avoid Getting Hurt On July 23, 2007, "Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb" posted a communiqué on Islamic websites announcing its intention to perpetrate a series of escalating terrorist attacks in Algeria against the "enemies of Islam" and warning all Muslims to stay away from government facilities in order to avoid getting ...

Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 422 - Darfur and the Middle East Media: The Anatomy of Another Conspiracy - 04/09/08

Introduction The Darfur region of Sudan first made headlines in February 2003 with news of massacres, rapes, mutilations, and other atrocities perpetrated by the Sudanese government and its allied armed Arab militia, the Janjaweed, against civilians in the black Arab and non-Arab south. Shortly thereafter, the Arab and Iranian media came out with reports explaining these events as the result of a conspiracy. The campaign was led by the most influential Arab and Iranian newspapers and TV ...

Steven Stalinsky, Ph.D.

Special Dispatch No. 1825 - Iranian Journalist to Ahmadinejad: "You Should Learn from Sarkozy" - 03/18/08

On November 17, 2007, the French daily Le Monde reported that French President Nicolas Sarkozy had received a belligerent letter from his Iranian counterpart, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. In the letter, which French diplomats called "blunt and full of veiled threats," Ahmadinejad called Sarkozy "young and inexperienced," and condemned France's attempts to persuade other EU countries to support further sanctions against Iran. He also stated that "destroying the long-standing relations between Iran and ...

Special Dispatch No. 1799 - Lebanese Druze Leader Walid Jumblatt Slams Syria, Iran, Hizbullah in Iran TV Interview - 01/08/08

Following are excerpts from an interview, in English, with Lebanese Druze leader Walid Jumblatt, which aired on Press TV on January 1, 2008. To view MEMRI TV's webpage on Walid Jumblatt, visit: . "My Father Was Also a Victim of the Same Butcher, Hafez Al-Assad" Interviewer : "You always blame Syria for the killing, but yet, there is no hard evidence. Can we just continue... You keep on accusing, accusing, accusing, without hard evidence." Walid Jumblatt ...

Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 411 - Jihad Today - 12/21/07

You need a subscription to MEMRI JTTM to view this content.

Menahem Milson
