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Terms found: muslim (documents: 37140, hits: 127547); jew (documents: 18741, hits: 71623); behind (documents: 7731, hits: 12280); me (documents: 821968, hits: 1596895); kill (documents: 36729, hits: 75914); him (documents: 29772, hits: 73111); muslim & jew & behind & me & kill & him (documents: 121).

No. 9905 - The Prophetic Hadith About The Promise Of The Rocks And The Trees (Archival Compilation) - 11/01/98

... Archives, 1998-2018. Scholar 1: "Judgement Day will not come..." Scholar 2: "...before the Muslims fight the Jews." Islamic Scholar 3: "The Muslims will kill the Jews, who will hide behind the stones ... , oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.'" Scholar 6: "The Muslims will kill the Jews, who will hide behind the stones and the trees..." Scholar 7: "...except ...

No. 9678 - Danish Imam Mundhir Abdallah Slams Saudi Decision To Let Sheikh Muhammad Al-Issa Deliver Key Hajj Sermon: Al-Issa Prayed In Auschwitz For The Souls Of Jews Killed In The "Alleged Holocaust," Claimed Jews And Christians Are "Our Brothers" - 07/09/22

... Copenhagen, Hizb ut-Tahrir-affiliated Danish Imam Mundhir Abdallah criticized Muslim World League Secretary-General Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa ... MEMRI TV Clips Nos. 7755, 7772, 7760, and 7859). Imam Abdallah also criticized him for calling for friendly relations with Jews ... out for racist and terrorist motives, [the West's] killing of half a million Iraqi children was perpetrated for ... forced the Muslims yesterday, on the Day of Arafah, to pray behind a man who is a sinner. Some people pronounced ...

No. 9569 - Palestinian Islamic Scholar Mraweh Nassar: Muslims Must Cut Off The Head Of The Zionist Snake If They Want To Solve Their Problems; The Zionist Occupation Is Ending – These People Will Be Eliminated - 05/16/22

... rocks and trees, which will in turn tell the Muslims to come kill the Jews hiding behind them. He added that the world "will not remain ... trees and the rocks shall say: 'Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him, except for the gharqad tree, for ... it is one of the trees of the Jews.' "We are ...

No. 9268 - Senior Muslim Brotherhood Figure And Former Morsi Government Official Dr. Gamal Abd Elsattar: The Jews Are A Malignant Growth, An Evil Seed; The Earth Will Get Rid Of This Scum - 12/24/21

... descriptions about the evil nature of the Jews, and quoted a hadith about the Muslims killing the Jews on Judgement Day. Dr. Abd Elsattar also serves ... . [The Prophet Muhamad said:] 'Judgment Day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, and the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees ... the rocks and trees will say: 'Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' This is not just a hadith about ...

No. 9133 - At Ramallah Hizb Ut-Tahrir Rally: The Thrones Of The Arab Regimes Should Become Shattered Rubble Beneath Our Feet; The Nation Wants An Islamic Caliphate; The Jews Will Hide Behind Rocks, Trees, Which Will Tell The Muslims To Kill Them - 10/09/21

... cited a hadith stating that on Judgement Day, the Muslims will fight and kill the Jews, who will try and hide behind rocks and trees. The ... rid of for a long time? [...] "Judgement Day will not come until the Muslims fight and kill the Jews, and the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and ... rocks and the trees will say: 'Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' [...] "The nation wants an Islamic caliphate ...

No. 9089 - Iranian Cartoonist Masoud Shojaei Tabatabaei on the Holocaust Cartoon Contests He Organized: Our Contests Were Counterattacks for the Prophet Muhammad Cartoons; There Were 4.5 Million Jews in Europe, So How Could 6 Millions Be Killed? - 09/09/21

... two Holocaust cartoon festivals, spoke about the reasons behind the exhibits in an interview that aired on ... in Syria, Iraq, or Yemen. Tabtabaei was asked by the interviewer how he defends himself against possible Israeli accusations ... At that time, the entire [Jewish] population in Europe was 4.5 million people, so how could six million be killed? Why ... the eye of 1.5 billion Muslims, we held the [Holocaust] contest. Whenever they attacked, we immediately launched a counter-attack." Interviewer: "So ...

No. 8854 - Palestinian Islamic Scholar Mraweh Nassar: 'Humanity Will Not Thrive Until The Jewish Nation Is Annihilated... I Mean The Jews Living In Palestine' - 05/11/21

... also quoted the hadith, according to which the Muslims will kill the Jews on Judgment Day and said that even the trees ... and the rocks shall say: 'Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him,' except for the gharqad tree, for ... it is one of the trees of the Jews.' Even ... to do with it! When an enemy enters my home, I will kill him with cannons, rockets, PK machine gun, electricity, whatever. ...

No. 8843 - Al-Azhar Scholar Ahmed Omar Hashem Calls For An 'Islamic Deterrence Force' That Will Extract Jerusalem From The 'World's Foreign Vagabonds,' Cites Prophecy About Muslims Killing Jews, Adds: 'What Was Taken By Force Will Only Be Restored By Force' - 05/14/21

... to which the Muslims will kill the Jews in the end times. For more information about Ahmed Omar Hashem, see MEMRITV clip no 5984. Ahmed Omar Hashem ... ] Jew shall hide behind stones or trees, and the stones or trees will say: 'oh servant of Allah, oh Muslims, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him ... .' 'Oh servant of Allah' means that when we become complete servants of Allah – and 'oh Muslims' means that when ...

No. 8707 - Pro-ISIS Video Defends Organization Against Opponents' Accusations - 02/17/21

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