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Terms found: conspiracy (documents: 6783, hits: 15792); conspiracy (documents: 1690).

Special Dispatch No. 1666 - Harsh Criticism of Arab Countries in Syrian Press - 07/26/07

Recently, the Syrian government press has been directing harsh criticism against some Arab countries, claiming that they are helping the U.S. implement its plans at the expense of the Arabs. The columnists have also condemned the Arabs for rejecting the policy of resistance – which they said had proven its effectiveness in Lebanon – and for normalizing relations with Israel. The writers used harsh terms to describe certain elements within the Arab countries, calling them "Judas Iscariot," Arab ...

Special Dispatch No. 1647 - Video Message by Al-Qaeda Deputy Ayman Al-Zawahiri: Overview of Some of the Main Themes - 07/11/07

... right and forbid wrong and rule with justice." The Saudi Conspiracy Against Iraq Al-Zawahiri dedicates a significant portion of his message to ... what he labels as "the Saudi conspiracy against Iraq," describing it as "the hidden yet greatest danger ...

Special Dispatch No. 1644 - Iranian, Syrian and Qatari Press: The Gaza Coup Is the Result of an American-Israeli Plot - 07/11/07

... Internal Conflicts in Palestine, Iraq and Lebanon Result From a Zionist-American Conspiracy Aimed at Destabilizing the Region and Taming the Arabs Syrian ...

Special Dispatch No. 1625 - Qatari Reformist: The Root Cause of Terrorism is The Culture of Hate - 06/22/07

... Muslims , to the blind pro-Israel bias, and to the global conspiracy against the Muslims… "There are also those who excuse terrorism ... the past 50 years, spread hatred of the other and conspiracy theories against the Muslims . "We need a culture that will restore ...

No. 1471 - Friday Sermon in Sudan: Palestine Is Occupied by the Offspring of Apes and Pigs - 05/25/07

... are conspiracies. Some people say: "We do not believe in conspiracy theories." These are facts, not theories. [We witness] conspiracies and ...

No. 1453 - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Those Who Shouted Slogans about Helping the Jews Are the Ones who Made the Jews Flee Europe - 05/13/07

Following are excerpts from a public address by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which aired on the Iranian News Channel on May 13, 2007: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: The people who shouted slogans about helping the Jews are the same people who, by means of conspiracies and plotting, made the Jews flee European and other countries. [...] They are not Christians, Muslims, or Jews. The people who created this mess in the world do not believe in any religion. [...] They do not utter a single word of ...

No. 1450 - Former Dean of Islamic Law at Qatar University Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari Speaks Out against Suicide Operations and Declares His Support of American Presence in Iraq - 05/11/07

... is another. I criticize Sheik Al-qaradhawi for his support of the conspiracy theory whereby the entire world is conspiring against us. I criticize ...

Special Dispatch No. 1604 - Saudi Women's Rights Activist Wajeha Al-Huwaidar: For Saudi Women, Every Day Is a Battle - 06/03/07

... Dispatch No. 1597, May 24, 2007, " 'This Is Not a Western Conspiracy': Saudi Reformist Wajeha Al-Huwaidar Publishes Sequel to Her Satirical Poem ...

Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 359 - "We Are Facing a Second Nakba"- Reactions in the Palestinian Press to the Hamas-Fatah Clashes - 06/03/07

... the residents' lives..." At the same time, Al-Hazan also evoked a conspiracy theory blaming the U.S. and Israel for the situation in ...

C. Jacob
