The Roznama Islam article
A recent article titled "How Naive Are These People!" written by Professor Shamim Akhtar has termed the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) as a festival of American cronies. The article, published in Pakistan's widely circulated Urdu language newspaper Roznama Islam, argued that if the U.S. is truly interested in ending terrorism it needs to stop "state terrorism" by Israel and India in Palestine and Kashmir, respectively.
Roznama Islam, known for its support for militant organizations, first started publishing in the early 1990s. At one time, it used to avoid publishing photographs of living creatures in keeping with Islamic values. It is published from seven cities of Pakistan: Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Multan, Quetta, and Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistani Kashmir.
"The Ground Is Being Prepared For Military Intervention  Sometimes On The Pretext Of Finishing Al-Qaeda, At Other Times Daesh [ISIS in Iraq and Syria], Boko Haram [In Nigeria], Or Ansar Al-Sharia [In Libya]"
"American President Barack Obama on February 19-20 organized a festival for the representatives of 60 client states in the White Palace [sic, House] to effectively fight an anti-terrorism war, [and] announced a strategy which was tantamount to putting old wine in a new bottle. However, like a sweet thug, Obama tried to give an impression that attributing terrorism to Islam is wrong because the religion Islam prohibits it [terrorism] and a majority of Muslims in the world are peaceful, but some elements - because of poverty, hardship, and injustices - are misled and driven to violence and subversion. To justify it [violence and subversion] they use religion; and such people do not only exist among Muslims, but in fact are found among the followers of other religions [as well].
"The participants of the conference, like servants of Obama, were seconding him by nodding their heads like a goat. Considering them [participants of the conference] as being likeminded, Obama proposed a worn-out prescription to deal with 'terrorism,' that it can not be eradicated by military actions only, and there is need to win the heart and minds of the local populations, so that the silent majority could be activated against extremism
"We have been hearing from the days of the Cold War that to eliminate communist insurgency we need to win the hearts and minds of local people. But history is witness that Americans, instead of winning the hearts and minds of Vietnamese, kept dropping napalm bombs on their localities, their farms, and their jungles. Only one decade before [the Vietnam War] they were using poisonous gases against the Korean population. So, the American colonialist group retreated from North Korea and Vietnam after humiliating defeats.
"By gathering this type of meeting [i.e. the CVE], Obama is playing the drum like a footpath juggler. America, even after using nuclear radiation coated [depleted uranium] bullets and dropping napalm bombs in Iraq, and [dropping] daisy cutter bombs in Afghanistan, had to retreat from these countries. This drama [the summit on CVE] is being staged in the White House to establish its dominance in those countries. The ground is being prepared for military intervention in those countries - sometimes on the pretext of finishing Al-Qaeda, at other times Daesh [in Syria and Iraq], Boko Haram [in Nigeria] or Ansar Al-Sharia [in Libya]. To hide their looting intentions, they are talking of winning the hearts and minds of the people.
"Though Obama has said that extremism has no link to Islam, all the organizations he has vowed to fight are the militias of Muslim militarists [i.e. militant groups]. Why has Obama not mentioned [India's extremist Hindu organizations] Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, and Buddhist organizations of Sri Lanka and Burma, Christian militias of the Central African Republic, who every other day are committing genocide of Muslim minorities? Why is no need felt to [medically] treat the hearts and minds of these extremists?"
"If America Can Attack Far-Flung Areas, 6,000 Miles Away From Its Borders, Why Can't The Affected People [i.e. Islamic Militant Groups] Carry Out Revenge Attacks On Its Soldiers And Citizens?"
"Does Obama consider the Republican Party of his own country and its faction Tea Party [movement] and its extremists John McCain and Lindsay Graham as moderates who sometime put pressure to invade Pakistan and sometimes to invade Iran? Is Obama himself not fanning the feeling of hatred and revenge against America and its looting [ally] NATO by attacking Pakistan's tribal localities with drones? If America can attack far-flung areas, six thousand miles away from its borders, why can't the affected people [militant groups] carry out revenge attacks on its soldiers and citizens?
"If America, on the suspicion of attacking its occupation army, considers it legitimate to attack Haqqani group's localities with drones, the Haqqani [Network] freedom fighters have the right to attack occupation army in Afghanistan on the same basis. It can't happen like this that America can attack any country merely on suspicion, but others have no right to make advance attacks.
"If Obama and its cronies really want to end terrorism, they first need to end state terrorism of their own, of the NATO group, Israel, and India. If America can do aerial bombing of any tribe or nation on its own, [and] if the affected people blow up its soldiers, artillery, and tanks in Afghanistan or Iraq with underground explosive devices  then what is the basis of its complaint? Obama's cronies include Muslim rulers. They [Muslim rulers] could not ask him to first deal with Palestine's occupier, racist, Zionist state [of Israel], and the state terrorism by 600,000 Indian soldiers in Kashmir who have subjugated 20 million people, then keep dealing with Taliban, Daesh, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Ansar Al-Sharia.
"They should have advised their black boss [Obama] to first control extremism and terrorism of its own racist police and judiciary, and then lecture us. It doesn't bode well for Obama to say that the remedy to tackle extremism lies in democracy. We have to say with regret what type of democracies are America and the European Union, which support the colonization of Palestine by racist Zionists. They [democracies] neither declare its [Israel's] brutal bombing of Lebanon in 2006 and of Gaza in 2008 and 2014 as state terrorism nor as war crimes. Is this not the clash of civilizations?"
"Has Daesh Dropped An Atom Bomb? Obama's Face Is Already Black; Nothing Will Change It By Painting It Dark, But His Black Face Has Become Colorful With The Blood Of Muslims In FATA [Pakistan's Tribal Areas], Afghanistan, And Iraq"
"We do not support Al-Qaeda, Daesh, Boko Haram, Ansar Al-Sharia, but we do ask a question to Obama: Have all these militants collectively killed as many innocent people as America did in Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan? Has Daesh dropped an atom bomb on any civilian population as Western media is crying about so much? Obama's face is already black; nothing will change it by painting it dark but his black face has become colorful with the blood of Muslim in FATA [Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas], Afghanistan, and Iraq.
"If the remedy for extremism lies in democracy, then why did Obama allow the usurper Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi [of Egypt], murderer of thousands of people, to overthrow a democratically elected government and take power? Is Al-Sisi the flag bearer of democracy? Hasn't he committed state terrorism by massacring peaceful protesters? When you (Obama) support a usurper, murderer, dictator, war criminal, and state terrorism, then you are the biggest patron of terrorism. When you (Obama) oppose a [resolution] in United Nations for the membership of Palestinian state, then you are the biggest enemy of democracy. So what is the difference between Daesh and Al-Sisi? Though Al-Sisi has murdered more innocent people than Daesh, did America not protect Hosni Mubarak's 30 years of dictatorship? Obama knows what type of sexual, physical, and mental torture was used against the detained persons in Egyptian torture cells... Hosni Mubarak had learned these methods of torture from its tutors, American presidents. Would Obama like if we publish pictures of those Pakistanis, Afghans, and Iraqis subjected to inhuman torture in ... American army's torture cells - Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghuraib, and Bagram, where they are kept without being charged?
"Has Obama forgotten the Americans [who were] tearing the Koran into pieces and flushed in bathrooms, and despite promising [to shut them] have kept open these torture cells so that this time innocent Muslim men and women could be locked up by accusing them as being members of Daesh? Is this your tolerance that in response to ... [French satirical weekly] Charlie Hebdo's repeated attempts to defame the sacred personality of the Prophet of Islam, you, like the Alibaba of Forty Thieves, putting hands in hands, were saying, 'We are all Charlie,' meaning that we all (Obama and company) are all blasphemers? Is there still any doubt left about who is extremist and who is terrorist - the Muslim nation or the Crusader-Zionist group?"
Source: Roznama Islam (Pakistan), February 22, 2015.