August 1, 2013 Special Announcements No. 249

MEMRI'S SUMMER 2013 CAMPAIGN - Please Support Us Today

August 1, 2013
Special Announcements No. 249

The MEMRI Summer Campaign ends this week. As a valued reader of MEMRI material who has not yet supported us this year, we wanted to reach out to you at this time to make sure that you know that producing and distributing our research and maintaining our numerous websites are costly undertakings. We need YOUR help to reach our summer goals.

This has been a special week for MEMRI; a clip we released this week, MEMRI TV Clip No. 3919, 11-Year-Old Yemeni Girl Nada Al-Ahdal Flees Home to Avoid Forced Marriage: I'd Rather Kill Myself, has already been viewed nearly 10 million times, and members of Nada's family have thanked MEMRI for bringing her plight to the world. Her story has been reported and discussed in hundreds of media outlets worldwide – including on CNN, on ABC's Good Morning America, and in The Washington Post – and on social media – for example, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof tweeted about the clip:

In our previous emails to you, we've highlighted how your generous donation will help support MEMRI's work in bridging the language gap between the West and the Middle East, Iran, South Asia, and North Africa, and in producing primary source translations and unique analyses that enable government, law enforcement, legislative bodies, academia, the media, and the public to gain a more in-depth understanding of the complexities of the region.

With renewed uprisings and political turmoil in Egypt, the continued progress of Iran's nuclear program, the resurgence of Al-Qaeda and its terrorist global threats, and the continued mass killings and threat of chemical warfare in Syria– to name only a few ongoing crises – in addition to U.S. troops' preparations to withdraw from Afghanistan, events are unfolding and circumstances are changing very rapidly in the region. This makes MEMRI research more critical and your support more vital than ever.

Your donation will help ensure that we at MEMRI will be able to continue our research efforts, and that our researchers across the world can continue working 24 hours a day, seven days a week translating hundreds of Arabic, Farsi, Dari, Hindi, and Urdu/Pashtu newspapers, magazines, television content, and websites. You will help allow us to again post over 10,000 items to our website in the coming year.

To make your 2013 tax-deductible donation, please click here.

Please consider making your donation online to help expedite processing and keep costs down.

To those of you who have already sent checks to MEMRI but have not yet received acknowledgment: We thank you in advance and want to let you know that it can take several weeks for us to process checks.

We wish you an enjoyable summer and we thank you for your support.

Sincerely yours,

Yigal Carmon Steven Stalinsky

President Executive Director

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