March 16, 2023 Special Announcements No. 1325

MEMRI NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT TODAY - Donate To Our Spring 2023 Campaign

March 16, 2023
Special Announcements No. 1325

We at MEMRI would like to express our appreciation for you, a loyal reader of MEMRI research. We know that you are aware of the critical importance of our work.

Our Spring 2023 fundraising campaign is now underway. Please consider renewing your support for our groundbreaking projects and initiatives. Help us to continue to bridge the language gap between the Middle East, Iran, Turkey, South Asia, the Caucasus, Russia, China, and the West.

For over two decades, MEMRI has been providing vital research, primary source translations, and original analysis to the governments of the U.S. and its allies, and their counterterrorism officials, law enforcement agencies, militaries, and other authorities, assisting them in tackling threats and facing adversaries. We work with news organizations and media to inform their understanding of the complexities of issues and developments in all these countries, and serve as a valuable resource for academia worldwide. Our research and analysis are available free of charge to all – but we need your help to keep it that way.


As one of the world's most productive think tanks in the U.S., last year MEMRI published 700 Special Dispatch translations, 158 Inquiry and Analysis reports and Daily Briefs, and 755 MEMRI TV clips with over 30 million views. On social media last year – YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram – we had over 470,000 followers.

So far in 2023, we have published 158 translations, analysis pieces, and special analysis briefs, and released 151 MEMRI TV clips.

But we need your help to continue this critical work. With recent world events and heightened tensions in the region as well as domestically, our work is more crucial than ever. No one else is doing the work that we do.


Major developments we are covering include:

  • Russa – Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the MEMRI Russian Media Studies Project (RMSP) has been closely monitoring, translating, and analyzing reactions to the Ukraine-Russia war, publishing more reports than ever before. As of today, on this topic alone we have published 203 translations and 32 analysis pieces, and released 66 MEMRI TV clips. Since the beginning of 2023, we have published a total of 50 reports and analysis pieces, focusing not only on the war but on the Russian political scene domestically and in Russia's orbit, with the assistance of noted Russian scholar Dr. Vladislav L. Inozemtsev.

  • China – During the February 2023 Chinese spy balloon affair, MEMRI's Chinese Media Studies Project (CMSP) published an extensive series of translations that predated the events from official Chinese sources, about the regime's longstanding plans to use high-altitude airships for military and other purposes – disproving the claims of Chinese officials that the balloons were for meteorological research only – along with original MEMRI analysis. The CMSP also continues to cover official statements and media on the escalating tensions over the Taiwan issue, closely following remarks by Chinese officials and media and Chinese military activity. In mid-2022, the project launched its Chinese Schoolbooks Initiative, an ongoing examination of the Chinese government's educational system.

  • Iran – MEMRI continues to monitor and analyze in-depth the latest developments in the protests across Iran that erupted in September 2022 following the death of Jina (Mahsa) Amini in Iranian morality police custody, and the violent repression of the protests by regime authorities. Meanwhile, during his China visit in February, Iranian President Raisi appeared on Chinese state TV to discuss the two countries' shared concerns, as translated by MEMRI TV.  The MEMRI Iran Threat Monitor Project (ITMP) focuses on threats such as Iran's continued provision of drones to Russia – as confirmed by official statements translated by MEMRI – and its unveiling of new hypersonic weapons, as revealed in MEMRI TV clips, as well as its escalated support for its proxy militias across the region and its ever-increasing capacity for creating nuclear weapons.

  • Palestinians – As Israeli-Palestinian tensions spike and Palestinian incitement and terror attacks escalate, MEMRI researchers and translators are monitoring Palestinian media, including social media, 24/7, translating statements by Palestinian officials in the West Bank and Gaza, monitoring official media outlets, and working around the clock during times of crisis such as these.

  • Syria – Following February's devastating earthquakes in the region that killed nearly 7,000 in Syria and left as many as 5.3 million homeless, MEMRI translated statements by Syrian oppositionists enraged by international aid to the Assad regime, which they contended had killed 1,000 more Syrians than the quake had, and by others who accused the Assad regime of weakening the country to the point where it could not deal with the quake's destruction. MEMRI also continues to follow the unending violence in the country, where the northern sector is controlled and defended by Turkey whiles its eastern sector is controlled by Iran.

  • Iraq – remains firmly in the grip of Iran; most recently, an Iranian official said in an address in Baghdad that attacks on U.S. forces in Iraq would continue "with force and determination" – translated by MEMRI. Also recently, the UN secretary-general, Antonio Guterres, met in Iraq with two leaders of Iran-affiliated militias in the country; both of these leaders are sanctioned by the U.S. MEMRI translated criticism in Iraq of Guterres' meeting.

  • Qatar – A member of the Qatar-based International Union of Muslim Scholars praised recent Palestinian terror attacks in Israel as "jihad for the sake of Allah" as directed by the Quran – translated by MEMRI. Qatar continues to bond more closely with Iran, even as it hosted the World Cup – in advance of and during which Qatari writers incited in media against the LGBTQ community. MEMRI published numerous reports and translations on these and other Qatari issues.

  • South Asia and the Taliban – Focusing on the Taliban's administration of Afghanistan and the support it has gained from Islamic religious scholars in the region, including Muslim Brotherhood affiliates; on pro-independence protests in Balochistan that have prompted Pakistani authorities to abduct and torture Balochi women; on suicide bombings in Pakistan, and more.


We need your help to continue our crucial projects:

  • MEMRI TVThis project is unique in the world. Providing around-the-clock translations of nearly 100 Arab, Iranian, Urdu, Turkish, Russian, and Chinese TV channels, and providing in-depth insight into complex situations that other sources cannot. To date, MEMRI TV clips have had over 350 million views across the web. No other organization, including intelligence organizations, monitor and translate television broadcasts from these countries.

  • Lantos Archives on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial – Named after the late honorable Congressman and Holocaust survivor Tom Lantos, this project exposes Muslim antisemitism in the Arab and Muslim world and the West and maintains the world's largest archives on this subject.

  • Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) Project – Monitoring, translating, and analyzing content online by jihadi organizations and individuals, with a focus on their outreach, expansion, recruitment, indoctrination, social media, and fundraising.

  • Cyber and Jihad Lab (CJL) – Monitoring and researching cyber jihad originating from the Middle East, Iran, and South Asia, and working with government agencies as well as tech industry leaders to stop it.

  • Domestic Terrorism Threat Monitor (DTTM) Project –Scrutinizing online propaganda, incitement, threats, and recruitment activity by violent neo-Nazi groups and individuals.

  • Iran Media Project – Monitoring and translating content from over 40 Iranian newspapers and 30 Iranian TV channels, the project also publishes original analysis pieces on various Iran-related issues.

  • Sermons By Imams In The West Project – MEMRI TV clips of hate-filled sermons by imams throughout the U.S. and Canada have prompted widespread criticism from political leaders and public apologies from some imams. In 2022, the project published a total of 67 sermons; so far this year, the project has published 5 sermons.

  • Reform Project – Translating media and other primary source content to highlight and amplify the voices of reformists and liberals who support reform, democracy, equality, and human rights.


Please support MEMRI today; your gift will ensure that our programs and initiatives succeed in 2023. The generosity and dedication of donors like you is the only reason we can continue to do our important work.

Your donation is 100% tax-deductible. You may donate online at, including in cryptocurrency; mail a check to MEMRI, P.O. Box 27837, Washington, DC 20038-7837; or call us at 202-955-9070.

In gratitude for your consideration,

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