September 14, 2023 Special Announcements No. 1388

Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) Weekly: September 9-16, 2023

September 14, 2023
Special Announcements No. 1388

The following are some of this week's reports from the MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) Project, which translates and analyzes content from sources monitored around the clock, among them the most important jihadi websites and blogs. (To view these reports in full, you must be a paying member of the JTTM; for membership information, send an email to with "Membership" in the subject line.)

Note to media and government: For a full copy of these reports, send an email with the title of the report in the subject line to Please include your name, title, and organization in your email.


EXCLUSIVE: Al-Qaeda Magazine Released On 9/11 Anniversary Threatens Future Attack On U.S. More Devastating Than 9/11

The following report is now a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.

On September 10, 2023, the Al-Sahab Media Foundation, the official outlet of Al-Qaeda's Central Command, released Issue 11 of its Arabic-language Ummah Wahidah (One Ummah) periodic magazine. The current issue is "dedicated to the 22nd anniversary of the #September_attacks," perpetrated by Al-Qaeda against the U.S. on September 11, 2001.


EXCLUSIVE: Al-Qaeda Book Released On 9/11 Anniversary Confirms For First Time The Identity, Pseudonym Of Al-Qaeda's Potential Future Leader, Sayf Al-'Adl

Marking the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Al-Sahab Media Foundation, the official outlet of Al-Qaeda's Central Command, released a book authored by Al-Qaeda Military Chief Sayf Al-'Adl, who is a potential successor to the group's slain leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri, who was killed on July 31, 2022.


EXCLUSIVE: Al-Qaeda Magazine Pays Tribute To 9/11 Hijacker Who Targeted The Pentagon

On September 10, 2023, Al-Sahab, the media arm of Al-Qaeda's Central Command, released the eleventh issue of its magazine Ummah Wahidah ("One Nation"). The 56-page publication marked the 22nd anniversary of the September 11 attacks by paying a tribute to Hani Hanjor, leader of the hijackers of American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon.


EXCLUSIVE: Al-Qaeda Releases Magazine Commemorating 22nd Anniversary Of September 11 Attacks, Which Includes Biography Of Flight 11 Hijacker Mohamed Atta

On September 10, 2023, Al-Sahab, the media arm of Al-Qaeda's Central Command, released the eleventh issue of it magazine Ummah Wahidah (One Nation). The 56-page issue commemorated the 22nd anniversary of the September 11 attacks by featuring a biography of Mohamed Atta, the hijacker of American Airlines flight 11, which crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.


EXCLUSIVE: Twitter Accounts Promote Jihad, Terrorist Groups Proliferate Despite Ban, U.S. Sanctions

Since acquiring Twitter in October 2022, billionaire tech investor Elon Musk has made headlines for his approach to management and administration of the company and its site, which boasts up to 450 million monthly users. Musk has been explicit in his desire to loosen what he sees as unnecessarily restrictive monitoring and moderation policies, which supporters claimed had reduced hate speech and misinformation.


EXCLUSIVE: On 9/11 Anniversary, Pro-Al-Qaeda Video Chronicles 1993 WTC Bombing, Encourages Supporters To Learn How To Conduct Similar Attacks

On September 10, 2023, a pro-Al-Qaeda Telegram channel shared a video produced by a pro-Al-Qaeda media team, in which an English-speaking narrator discusses the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.


EXCLUSIVE: On The 22nd Anniversary Of 9/11, Pro-Al-Qaeda Telegram Channel Calls Attacks Greatest Martyrdom Operation In History, Hopes Attackers Will Be Rewarded

On September 8, 2023, on the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center carried out by Al-Qaeda, a pro-Al-Qaeda Telegram channel published a post with a photo of the smoldering Twin Towers, calling the attack "the greatest martyrdom operation in contemporary history."


EXCLUSIVE: Pro-Islamic State (ISIS) Media Outlets: 9/11 Attacks Were Revenge For Targeting Muslims; Terrorism Is Sanctioned In Quran; Today U.S. Faces 'The Islamic Caliphate' And Cannot Escape It

On September 11, 2023, two pro-Islamic State (ISIS) media outlets shared a complementary videoclip and poster to mark the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.


EXCLUSIVE: Pro-Hamas Gazan Islamic Cleric: Kill Female Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Soldiers To Avenge Violation Of Honor Of West Bank Palestinian Women; 'It's Time To Shake The Dust Off The Guns And Aim Them At The Occupiers;' 'To Spill Their Blood With A Knife Or An Ax'

The following report is now a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.

On September 6, 2023, Sheikh Muhammad bin Maher Al-'Aklouk, a pro-Hamas Gazan Islamic cleric and member of the Hamas-affiliated, The Association of Palestine Scholars, spoke during "a jihadi gathering" that was held in the city of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip.


EXCLUSIVE: Al-Qaeda Supporters Say Morocco's Earthquake Is 'Divine Punishment' For Sinners, ISIS Supporter Celebrates 'Demise Of Polytheists'

Over the past days, jihadis on Telegram shared posts commenting on the earthquake that hit Morocco and the flooding in Libya's coastal city of Derna. In their reaction, some argued that the natural disasters are divine punishment against Muslims who do not abide by Islamic laws and reject the jihadi doctrine, while others criticized the international relief response, claiming that western countries do not extend support to Muslims.


Al-Qaeda Magazine: Fear Is 'The Most Lethal Thing;' Attacking Countries In Their 'Soft Spot' Will Lead To Fear And Terror, 'Break The Will Of The Enemy To Resist, Paralyze Its Ability To Respond'

On September 10, 2023, the Al-Sahab Media Foundation, the official outlet of Al-Qaeda's Central Command, released issue 11 of its Arabic-language Ummah Wahidah (One Ummah) magazine.


June 2023 Book Authored By Al-Qaeda In The Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) Official Offers Peek Into Al-Qaeda's 9/11 'Situation Room'

On June 30, 2023, Al-Malahem, the media arm of the Yemen-based jihadi group Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), published the second edition of a book in which the author, senior AQAP official, Sudanese national, and former Guantanamo detainee Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Qousi a.k.a. Khubayb Al-Sudani, documented his recollections from the early days of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan to the withdrawal of U.S. forces in 2022.


Poster By Al-Qaeda Affiliate In Kashmir Quotes Bin Laden Praising 'Real Men' Who Perpetrated 'Blessed Raids' On 9/11

On September 10, 2023, a channel on the Al-Qaeda-operated Rocket.Chat server shared a poster by Al-Sindh, the official media outlet of Al-Qaeda's affiliate in Kashmir, Ansar Ghazwatul Hind (AGH).


Al-Qaeda's Sahel Affiliate GSIM Claims Back-To-Back Ambushes On Russian Wagner Group In Central Mali

On September 12, 2023, the Group for the Support of Islam and Muslims (GSIM), Al-Qaeda's affiliate in the Sahel, released a statement claiming responsibility for attacks on Russian Wagner Group fighters in Central Mali.


Al-Qaeda Affiliate Al-Shabab Claims Killing 59 Soldiers In Simultaneous Attacks On Three Military Bases In Southern Somalia, Vows To Overthrow Government And Fly Jihadi Flag From Mogadishu Presidential Palace

On September 10, 2023, the Shahada News Agency, the media arm of Al-Qaeda's affiliate in Somalia, Harakat Al-Shabab Al-Mujahideen (Al-Shabab), issued an English-language press release titled "Awdhegle – The Fifth Major Attack Against Apostate Bases in Two Weeks."


Political Office Of Al-Qaeda Affiliate Al-Shabab Accuses U.S. Forces Of 'Massacring' Family During Operation In Central Somalia

On September 7, 2023, Al-Shabab's Office of Politics and Provinces released an English-language statement titled "American Crusaders Massacre a Muslim Family," which accused U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) of conducting a "night raid" on a village in Galguduud, killing six civilians.


Al-Qaeda Affiliate Al-Shabab Claims Killing 19 UAE-Backed Somali Forces In Suicide Operation In Mogadishu

On September 13, 2023, the Shahada News Agency, the media outlet of Al-Qaeda's affiliate in Somalia, Harakat Al-Shabab Al-Mujahideen (Al-Shabab), released a statement on Telegram claiming responsibility for a suicide operation against a barracks of forces responsible for the security of Mogadishu in the capital's Daynile district, "inflicting heavy losses of lives and equipment."


ISIS Weekly Editorial: Enemies Fear ISIS's Continuing Expansion As They Face Unrest And Infighting

On September 7, 2023, the Islamic State (ISIS) released issue 407 of its weekly newsletter, Al-Naba'. The issue's feature article, titled "Terrify Therewith the Enemies of Allah," asserted that ISIS's enemies are increasingly afraid that the group will exploit conflicts between them to launch a resurgence.


Article In Islamic State (ISIS) Weekly Praises Organization's Adherence To Jihad And Quran

On September 7, 2023, the Islamic State (ISIS) published issue 407 of its weekly Newsletter Al-Naba'. The issue contains a two-page article titled "To Make It [Islam] Prevail Over All Others [other religions]" (Quran 9:33), which discusses the importance of practicing jihad as the only legitimate way to support Islam according to the divine commandment.


Islamic State (ISIS) Iraq Province Claims Capturing And Killing Two 'Spies' Belonging To Iraqi National Security In Western Al-Anbar Governorate

On September 7, 2023, issue 407 of Islamic State (ISIS) Al-Naba' weekly was released, including a new claim of responsibility from its Iraq province for capturing two "spies" for the Iraqi government's National Security Service (NSS), in western Al-Anbar governorate.


Pro-Islamic State (ISIS) Encrypted Chat Users Discuss Ways To Travel To ISIS-Held Areas In The African Sahel

On September 5, 2023, users of the Islamic State (ISIS)-encrypted server on Rocket.Chat discussed ways to travel to the African Sahel to join the ranks of ISIS.


Pro-ISIS Telegram Channel Covering Detention Camps In Syria Hails Arab Tribes' Revolt Against Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Appeals For Donations

On September 7, 2023, a Telegram channel sympathetic to the Islamic State (ISIS) and covering events in the detention facilities holding family members of accused ISIS fighters, published a post discussing recent fighting among the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Arab tribal forces in Syria's eastern Deir Al-Zour province.


Iran-Backed Qasem Al-Jabbareen Threatens U.S. Forces Entering Iraqi Kurdistan: 'You Will Very Soon Be In Crosshairs Of Resistance'

On September 11, 2023, a Telegram channel affiliated with Iran-backed militias in Iraq, reported that a military convoy of U.S. forces had passed the Faysh Khabur border crossing between Syria and Iraqi Kurdistan into the "Iraqi interior."


Hizbullah Brigades: Efforts To Banish 'Invaders' From Iraq Must Continue; Israel Must Be Excised, Countries That Normalize Relations With It Must Be Punished

On September 6, 2023, secretary-general of the Hizbullah Brigades, Abu Hussein Al-Hamidawi published a dispatch in which he stated that efforts to banish "invaders" from Western Asia must continue, and that Israel must be excised by its roots.


Syrian Opposition Websites: Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Attempts To Destabilize Deir Al-Zour, Recruit 'Tribal Force' To Oppose U.S. Presence

In early September 2023, two Syrian opposition websites revealed fresh details about efforts on the part of Iran to recruit members of the Arab tribes in Syria's Deir Al-Zour Governorate, to the militias it supports.


Meeting With Representatives Of Druze Area Converted To Sunni Islam, Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) Leaders Express Support For Uprisings In Al-Suwayda' And Eastern Syria, Promise Services To Locals, Vow To Topple Assad Regime

On September 4, 2023, several Telegram channels supporting Syrian jihadi group Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) released a photoset showing the group's "general leadership" meeting with "notables and dignitaries of the towns and villages of Jabal Al-Summaq," in the countryside northwest of Idlib.


Jihadi Group From Caucasus Affiliated With Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) Releases Video Showing Anti-Tank Training In Syria

On September 13, 2023, Jaysh Al-Muhajireen Wal-Ansar ("The Army of Immigrants and Supporters" – JMA), a group of mujahideen from the Caucasus affiliated with Syrian jihadi group Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS), released a two-minute 27-second video showing its fighters in Syria undergoing theoretical and practical training in using hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers.


Syria-Based Kurdish Jihadi Group Ansar Al-Islam Claims Killing And Injuring Over 80 Syrian And Russian Soldiers In Past Three Months In Northwestern Syria

On September 12, 2023, Ansar Al-Islam, a Kurdish jihadi group active in Syria, released an infographic claiming it had killed and injured over 80 "enemy" forces in attacks over the past three months. The infographic mentions over 105 shooting attacks in several places in the Al-Ghab plain northwest of Hama.


Users Of Pro-Islamic State (ISIS) Encrypted Chat Discuss Travel To ISIS Territory, Recommend Supporters From Africa Stay There Rather Than Going To Syria

On September 13, 2023, a user on the Islamic State (ISIS)-operated Rocket.Chat server said he wants to join jihad in Syria.


Dari-Language Video By Pro-Afghan Taliban Media Outlet Details Attackers In ISIS Suicide Bombings In Afghanistan, Says ISIS's Main Base Is In Tajikistan

On August 24, 2023, a pro-Afghan Taliban media outlet released a new Dari-language video focused on the activities of the Islamic State's Khurasan Province (ISKP). The video includes interviews with ISKP prisoners held by the Taliban, and goes on to argue that Tajikistan is the main base of ISIS and has become a serious threat to Afghanistan.


In Part Five Of 'We Are Ready' Video Series, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Shows Jihadi Fighter With TTP Flag Marching Toward Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque

The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has released a new video featuring fighters performing physical and weapons training, while a TTP commander cites the Quran's order to prepare for jihad in advance.

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