November 29, 2006 Special Dispatch No. 1369

Islamist Websites Monitor No. 26

November 29, 2006
Special Dispatch No. 1369

Chechen Website Reports Death of Abu Hafs Al-Urduni

On November 27, 2006, a Chechen website supportive of the mujahideen announced the death of Abu Hafs Al-Urduni, a Jordanian-born jihad fighter described in the message as "a commander [of the mujahideen] in Chechnya." According to the message, Abu Hafs was killed Sunday, November 26, 2006, in a battle with Russian commando units. It should be noted that on October 16, 2006, Islamist websites posted a video in which Abu Hafs addressed the Muslims on the occasion of 'Eid Al-Fitr.

Video of Jihad Fighters Firing on "Motorcade of American Intelligence [Personnel]"

On November 26, 2006, Islamist websites posted a nine-minute video titled "American Intelligence on the Streets of Baghdad." The video, produced by Al-Furqan, the production company of "the Media Ministry of the Islamic State of Iraq," includes three scenes. In each, several masked jihad fighters are seen crouching on a highway overpass and opening fire on vehicles below, which are claimed to be "a motorcade of American Intelligence [personnel]." The footage is accompanied by jihad songs and by excerpts from audio recordings by Al-Zarqawi and other sheikhs calling to join the jihad. The lyrics of one of the songs says: "We will liberate the faith with blood. Raise your weapon, defend the faith, make war break out... We will defy our enemies, defy [them] with our Koran."

The video can be viewed at:

Below are images from the video.

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