June 16, 2010 Special Dispatch No. 3039

Gaza Sermon on Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV: Annihilation of the Jews will be Achieved by the Muslims; The Destruction of Their State Will Only be Achieved Through Islam, by Those Who Bow Before Allah; The Communist East and the Capitalist West Fear Nothing as Much as They Fear the Words 'Allah Akbar'

June 16, 2010
Palestinians | Special Dispatch No. 3039

Following are excerpts from a Friday sermon delivered by a Hamas-affiliated preacher from Jabalya, Gaza, on June 11, 2010, and aired on Al-Aqsa TV.

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Preacher: "Whoever believes that our battle with the Jews and the Crusaders has subsided or is dormant is living in delusions. Do you know why, oh distinguished people? Do you know why the conflict continues and will continue until the Day of Judgment? Because the Communist East and the Capitalist West fear nothing as much as they fear the proclamation that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His messenger. They fear nothing as much as they fear the words 'Allah Akbar.'[...]

"The Jews are convinced that their annihilation and the destruction of their state will never be accomplished by secular, reactionary, pan-Arab, or Ba'thist regimes. Their annihilation and the destruction of their state will only be achieved through Islam, by those who bow before Allah. [...]

"Russia and the U.S. may have their disagreements, but when the Prophet Muhammad is the enemy, they forget their differences. This is a fact."

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