January 27, 2012 Special Dispatch No. 4453

Egyptian Salafi Leader Yassir Al-Burhami Compares the Christians of Egypt to the Jews of Al-Medina

January 27, 2012
Egypt | Special Dispatch No. 4453

Following are excerpts from a statement by Egyptian Salafi leader Yassir Al-Burhami, which was posted on the Internet, which aired on December 3, 2012:

Yassir Al-Burhami: "Appointing infidels to positions of authority over Muslims is prohibited. Allah said: 'Never will Allah grant the infidels a way [to triumph] over the Believers.'

"We are not afraid of losing the elections or of not getting votes. We are not trying to ingratiate ourselves before the people.

"Can the Christians of Egypt be compared to the Jews of Al-Medina? The case of the Jews of Al-Medina is one example of the relations between the Muslims and the infidels. The Muslims can implement any form of conduct used by the Prophet Muhammad. When the Prophet Muhammad was still in Mecca, he dealt with the infidels in a certain way, and when the Muslims are weak, they should deal with the infidels this way. 'Refrain from action, pray, and pay the zakkat.'

"In many infidel countries, such as occupied Palestine, we instruct Muslims to do just that. We are not telling the Muslims in Gaza to launch rockets every day, which would lead to the destruction of the entire country. We tell them to adhere to the truce.

"When the Prophet Muhammad first arrived in Al-Medina, he signed a treaty with the Jews without forcing them to pay the jizya poll tax. This was necessary at the time, but when they breached the treaty, he fought them, and eventually, he imposed the jizya upon the People of the Book. […]

"The Christians [of Egypt] can be dealt with like the Jews of Al-Medina. This is possible." […]

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