Neo-Nazis On Telegram, Gab Share Photos, Video Of Latvian March In Riga Commemorating SS Legionnaires

March 18, 2022

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On March 16, 2022, a procession held annually commemorating the anniversary of the first battle between the two Latvian SS divisions and the Red Army in 1944, took place in Riga, Latvia. Several neo-Nazi social media accounts on Telegram and Gab discussed the event. One Latvian Gab user posted an image of himself attending the march.

Annual March In Riga, Latvia

A Latvian neo-Nazi Gab user shared photos from the March 16 neo-Nazi event to a Gab group. The text in his post is written in both English and Latvian. It states: "Today in Riga is the remembrance day of the Latvian SS legionnaires remembering our heroes who fought not just for Latvia against the red plague but also for Europe's future."

In the post, the man specified that he is pictured in the photo he shared.

Another Gab user posted a video from the march to a neo-Nazi Gab group on March 16. The user added: "The Latvian SS legionnaires organized the traditional march in Riga, despite the urging of the Latvian authorities to refrain from such actions."

Many of the participants are seen holding bouquets of flowers to lay at the memorial. Some of those marching appear to be elderly men wearing their military uniforms. One of the attendees wearing military garb is seen with a swastika patch on his arm.

Another man can be seen wearing a pin featuring the crest of the Latvian Legionnaires.

A French neo-Nazi Telegram channel posted three images and a description of the Riga march in a post on March 17. According to the post several hundred Latvians attended the event, including some World War II veterans.

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