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Dec 22, 2017
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Sheikh Abd Al-Qader Al-Hawajri, Spokesman for Wounded Palestinians, at Hamas Rally: May We Be Dressed in Explosive Belts, Shackled to Explosive Devices

#6343 | 02:23
Source: Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza)

Sheikh Abd Al-Qadir Al-Hawajri, speaking at a Hamas rally on behalf of “wounded Palestinians,” called Trump's Jerusalem declaration a "tyrannical" and "catastrophic, false, and failing" decision and said that America had "unleashed upon us the brothers of apes and pigs." "This decision will be wiped out," he said, "and [the Zionist] entity will cease to exist, as will America, Allah willing." In a message to the military factions, he declared: "By Allah, may you dress us in explosive belts, shackle us to explosive devices, or send us to be murabiteen on the fronts." The rally was broadcast on Al-Aqsa TV on December 22.


Abd Al-Qader Al-Hawajri: America has mobilized support for its decision, acted stubbornly, and unleashed upon us the brothers of pigs and apes - the killers of children, of the elderly, of women, and of the wounded, the crippled, and the ill. They unleashed the Zionists upon us, with this catastrophic, false, and failing decision, declaring that Jerusalem is Jewish and that they would move their embassy to it.




We say that Trump's tyrannical decision is null and void and is transient. It does not represent anybody except the one who made it. This decision is foreign to the Palestinian issue, just like the [Zionist] entity is foreign to the history of Palestine. This decision will be wiped out, and that entity will cease to exist, as will America, Allah willing.




My final message is to the 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, and to our brothers in the military factions: By Allah, may you dress us in explosive belts, shackle us to explosive devices, or send us to be murabiteen on the fronts. We shall defend Jerusalem! We shall defend Jerusalem! We shall defend Jerusalem, even if we have to crawl to do so - even if we have to crawl through snow, even if we have to crawl over embers. We shall light up the lights of Jerusalem with what remains of our blood and our limbs. We shall defend Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Palestine.



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