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Jun 10, 2005
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Ayatollah Jannati at a Tehran Friday Sermon: By Voting You Will Be Shouting a Gigantic "Death to America"

#716 | 01:15
Source: Channel 1 (Iran)

The following are excerpts from a Friday sermon by Secretary of the Iranian Guardian Council Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati. Channel 1 of the Iranian TV aired this sermon that was given at Tehran University on June 10, 2005

Ayatollah Jannati: Our main issue is the elections. This is an important issue. In fact, this will be the most important issue next Friday. I expect that our beloved people [will participate]. Imam Khomeini also expected this, as well as our dear leader [Khamenei]. I am confident that the Hidden Imam also expects you to participate en masse. In this way, you will be shouting a gigantic "death to America" at the polling stations.

Crowd: Death to America

Death to America

Death to America

Death to America

Death to America

Death to America

Death to America

Death to America

Allah willing, eventually these actions by our people will lead America to death, and to the killing fields, and to the eternal Hell it has prepared for itself. I am positive of this.

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