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Aug 04, 2010
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British Holocaust Denier David Irving: The Zionists Have Overplayed the Holocaust, and This Has Tarnished the Zionist Cause

#2584 | 02:18
Source: IRINN TV (Iran)

Following are excerpts from an interview with British Holocaust denier David Irving, which aired on IRINN, the Iranian news channel, on August 5, 2010. The interview was held in English, and was aired with simultaneous translation into Farsi.

David Irving: I think that they have overplayed their hand. Look how they use the Holocaust. They have instrumentalized it. People are now tired of hearing about this old story. Many people were killed in World War II. In fact, the whole World War II was a holocaust. It's come back and hit them. They've overused the Holocaust, and this, in turn, has tarnished the Zionist cause.

I think that in ten years' time, Zionism will come to an end, because of the mistakes they have made. Eventually, the US president, not Obama but maybe his successor, will realize this and pull the plug on Israel. They will realize that Israel has been of no benefit whatsoever to the US. Obama wanted to do this, but the Zionist lobby in America is very powerful.


Israel maintains a double-standard policy. It says that Iran is supplying weapons to Lebanon and to Hamas, but what about the US? It supplies the Zionist regime with millions of tons of weapons and armaments.


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