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Oct 03, 2012
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Egyptian Cleric 'Alaa Said Slams School Textbook for Teaching Religious Tolerance

#3677 | 01:42
Source: Al-Rahma TV (Egypt)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian cleric ‘Alaa Said, which aired on Al-Rahma TV on October 3, 2012.:

‘Alaa Said holds a school textbook in his hands and points at a page

‘Alaa Said: Take a look at the cover of this book – it says: “No to sectarianism.” See?


Read what it says on page 64 – and this is what they are teaching our children. Read what it says in this inset: “Anyone who converts from his religion is…”

Interviewer: “to be respected.”

‘Alaa Said: Oh what a catastrophe! The hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, in the Al-Bukhari collection, as narrated by Abdallah Ibn Abbas, says: “Anyone who converts from his religion is to be killed.” But the book says: “Anyone who converts from his religion is…”

Interviewer: “to be respected.”

‘Alaa Said: “Anyone who converts from his religion is to be respected.” And this is what they are teaching our children! Oh Muslim girls, “Anyone who converts from his religion is to be respected.” One day you can be Muslim, and that’s fine, another day, you can be Christian, and that’s fine too, yet another day, you can be Jewish, and that’s fine as well, then you can be an atheist, and that’s fine. Anyone who converts from his religion is to be respected and honored.

What about someone who doesn’t convert? Anyone who converts is to be respected… and anyone who doesn’t should be derided? These are the very words that are written here and will be taught to our children: “Anyone who converts from his religion should be respected.”


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