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Jun 06, 2012
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Leader of the Egyptian Al-Tagammu’ Party Rif'at Al-Said: The Muslim Brotherhood Will Never Relinquish the Presidency

#3474 | 02:21
Source: Dream TV (Egypt)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Rif’at Al-Said, leader of the Egyptian Al-Tagammu’ Party, which aired on Dream 2 TV on June 6, 2012.

Rif’at Al-Said: The danger in the Freedom and Justice Party [of the Muslim Brotherhood] lies in its being a Salafi organization, which relies upon peddling in religion. They believe that if their candidate becomes president, Islam itself will have come to power, and will serve as an umbrella for the rule.

Therefore, if Muhammad Mursi, the Freedom and Justice Party’s candidate, is elected, any opposition to him will be considered opposition to the Islamic enterprise, to the rule of Islam, and to the implementation of the shari’a.

If he takes the seat of power, he will never get up again. What advocate of political Islam has ever relinquished power? The ayatollahs in Iran came to power, and will remain in power until Judgment Day. When Omar Al-Bashir came to power, he talked about free elections, and so on. Meanwhile, Sudan has disintegrated in his hands, and the economy is dead, but he remains in power, and will continue to do so, even if all that remains is the single square meter on which his throne is located. With Hamas, the loyal disciples of the Muslim Brotherhood, it is the same story.

Interviewer: If you object to Muhammad [Mursi], you can remove him from power after four years.

Rif’at Al-Said: That will never happen. I can tell you that right now.


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