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Feb 04, 2025
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Yemeni-Houthi Official Abdullah Al-Na'ami Warns: U.S. Interests In The Region Are Within Missile Range – In Case Trump Starts A Feud With The Yemeni People

#11802 | 01:28
Source: Mayadeen TV (Lebanon)

Houthi official Abdullah Al-Na'ami of the Ansar Allah political bureau warned President Trump against starting a "feud" with the Yemeni people in a January 23, 2025 appearance on Mayadeen TV (Lebanon). He said that this would not serve the best interests of the United States. Al-Na'ami further stated that the Houthis have "many options" and they can "hurt" it. He said that many American interests are within the Houthis' reach and in the range of their missiles.

Abdullah Al-Na'ami: "The United States needs to understand that we have many options and we can hurt it. The U.S. should never forget that its interests are within our reach, under the control of our armed forces, and within the range of our missiles. It must not forget that its military bases and its strategic interests...

"If Trump starts a feud with the Yemeni people, it will not be in the best interest of the United States. Enmity towards nations is not wise to begin with. If Trump takes any measure that hurts the Yemeni people – the Yemeni people will not stand idly by.

"The American interests are right there, the U.S. ships are there, the Red Sea is there, the Bab Al-Mandab Strait is there, the waterway is there, and the American interests are all over the region. The U.S. has interests in Yemen, in Saudi Arabia, in the UAE, and in all the neighboring countries. Trump needs to know that these interests will not be spared by our armed forces. They will become vital and strategic targets for our armed forces."

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