Houthi Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Ubeidi said in a Friday, April 3, 2020 sermon in Sanaa, Yemen that aired on Al-Eman TV (Houthis – Yemen) that Allah brought COVID-19 upon the West, China, and other Asian countries so that they would have to wear face masks, as punishment for having forced Muslim women to expose their faces by legislating laws against the wearing of the hijab. He said that these people have become arrogant and forgotten Allah, and he led the audience in a chant: “Allah Akbar! Death to America! Death to Israel! Cursed be the Jews! Victory to Islam!”
Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Ubeidi: Take a look at France, Britain, Italy, and Europe in general. Take a look at the West, the United States, and China. Take a look at the countries of east Asia, and at other countries. They legislate laws concerning the hijabs of Muslim women. The decreed that these hijabs must come off and that the faces of Muslim women must be revealed, even though Allah ordered women to cover their faces. (The Quran says) that ‘They should draw their veils over their bosoms’ and that they should be modest and cover themselves. They must put on a hijab that prevents others from seeing them. This is what Allah ordered Muslim women to do. But what did (these countries) do? They made these women reveal their faces, and lo and behold, Allah has covered their faces with those masks that both women and men are wearing. They are all hiding behind these masks, terrifies of the disease. This is all because they have become arrogant and forgotten Allah. Allah Akbar! Death to America! Death to Israel! Cursed be the Jews! Victory to Islam! Allah Akbar! Death to America! Death to Israel! Cursed be the Jews! Victory to Islam! Allah Akbar! Death to America! Death to Israel! Cursed be the Jews! Victory to Islam!