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Aug 18, 2014
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Yazidi Refugees Undergo Military Training in order to Fight ISIS

#4431 | 02:11
Source: Al-Arabiya Network (Dubai/Saudi Arabia)

Following are excerpts from a TV report on Yazidi refugees receiving military training in order to fight ISIS, which aired on Al-Arabiya TV on August 18, 2014.


Reporter: "On the border of Iraqi Kurdistan, here in Qamishli, the Yazidi refugees are getting ready to strike back. The Yazidis who fled their villages to escape the ISIS militants are volunteering for training in the Serimli military base. They are preparing for a new battle against the ISIS militants."



Instructor: "Some of these people come from the refugee camps, while others from..."



Reporter: "The volunteers are being trained by the Syrian Kurds, in brutal heat of at least 40 centigrade."



Instructor: "We called upon all the young Yazidis to join us. They came in droves. 55 showed up yesterday and today alone."



Reporter: "The volunteers undergo training in this military base, which is controlled by the Kurd militants, who helped the Yazidis escape from Mt. Sinjar, and cross the border into Syria."



Fighter: "The YPG came and cleared the road for us. They brought us to this camp. We volunteered so we can return to our lands and fight the Islamic State."



Reporter: "The volunteers undergo military training. They learn how to use various types of weapons, how to launch rockets and set ambushes."



Fighter: "These people help us. They train us, and give us food and aid."



Reporter: "The Yazidis have resorted to arms, in order to take revenge on the ISIS militants, who forced them to leave their homes in northern Iraq, killed their relatives, burying some of them alive in mass graves, and abducted their women. The international community considered this an act of genocide."


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