In a January 29, 2025 video posted on Yaffa news Agency’s Telegram channel, following the ceasefire and the return of many Palestinians to north Gaza, a woman said that the war was "unnecessary" and nothing was gained from it. She stated: "We are going back to rubble." She called on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbass to come and save Palestinians from this situation. She concluded by voicing her hope that Turkey would take her and her daughters in.
Woman: "This war was unnecessary, to be honest. They did not prepare us for the war. Okay? Our houses are gone. Our children are gone. What are we going back to? To rubble? By God, we did not gain anything [from the war]. What did we gain? I hope that someone takes us out. Two generations of our children have been completely destroyed, and the third generation is on its way.
"Where is the world? I call on our President Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas]. He should come and save us from this situation. I thank Turkey very much for standing by our side, from beginning to end. I am one of the people who hope that Turkey will take me in. I really hope someone watching this video will take me and my daughters in. This is my wish, that someone takes me in. We are standing on rubble. There is nothing else. The infrastructure is gone. There are no houses. We are in the streets."