In his October 25, 2024 Friday sermon at the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Virginia, Imam Farhan Siddiqi described Zionism as the "pinnacle" of oppression, claiming that Zionists seek to infiltrate and undermine nations for their own goals. He contrasted this with Islam, stating that Muslims bring "kheir" or goodness wherever they go, and while Islam may have spread through conflict, it ultimately empowers communities. Notably, the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center has historical ties to former Al-Qaeda leader Anwar Al-Awlaki, to some of the 9/11 terrorists, to Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan, and to other known jihadis.
Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center is linked to former Al-Qaeda leader Anwar Al-Awlaki, to some of the 9/11 terrorists, to Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan, and to other known jihadis. For more on Dar Al-Hijra, see MEMRI TV 11158, 10566, 8283, 7426, 6043, 5989, and Special Dispatch 8725.
Farhan Siddiqi: "The amazing thing about the Muslim, and this truly is amazing, is that anywhere he goes, he brings kheir [goodness], anywhere he goes. And he is the type of person that any community that sees the Muslim coming, they say 'Alhamdulillah, I'm so happy that this group of people are coming in and moving into our community. Because I feel and I know that my community is going to be safer, I feel and I know that my community is going to be cleaner, I feel and I know that my community bonding and that neighborly feeling is going to go up.'
"And a lot of people they like to say 'Well Islam was spread by the sword, Islam was spread by conquest.' I'll say yes it was. I have no problem with that. It wasn't spread by forcing people, that I disagree with.
"And that is what's unique to the Muslims and that is what is unique to Islam, that it empowers every single people that it enters upon. And what is the opposite of this? The opposite of this is oppression. And at the pinnacle of that are the Zionists, I truly believe that. That they are willing to infiltrate a country, they're willing to undermine it, they're willing to destroy it for their own personal sake and for their own personal goals."