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May 14, 2015
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Top Turkish Cleric Mehmet Gormez: We Should Not Accept Jerusalem As the Capital of Anyone but the Muslims

#4914 | 01:51
Source: Online Platforms

In a sermon delivered at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on May 15 and posted on the Internet, Mehmet Gormez, President of the Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs, said: "We should not accept that Jerusalem be the capital of anyone else. It is the capital city of the Muslims. We ask Allah to protect the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the aggressors."


Following are excerpts:



Mehmet Görmez: Preserve in your struggle and your Jihad in defending the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, until Allah grants you victory.






There will be no security for those who do not safeguard Jerusalem's security. One is safe and secure as long as Jerusalem is safe and secure. Those who attack it will not be safe and secure. Only those who attack Jerusalem should be attacked. They should be attacked to the same extent that they themselves attacked.






The military occupation of Jerusalem will not change its true nature, because Jerusalem will remain part of the creed of the Islamic nation, of its countries, and of its peoples. It will remain in our religious creed. No [Muslim] president or king has the right to relinquish even a single inch of it, just as Sultan Abdulhamid II did not relinquish an inch of it.






The Al-Aqsa Mosque has been an Islamic mosque since its establishment, and it will remain so until Judgment Day. We should not accept that Jerusalem be the capital of anyone else. It is the capital city of the Muslims. We ask Allah to protect the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the aggressors.





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