In his Friday sermon, Syrian Islamic Scholar Sheikh Mustafa Al-Joulani, dressed in military fatigues, declared that polytheists, including Russians, Shi'ites, and Alawites, would burn in Hellfire, while the mujahideen would live in Paradise. "I bring you the glad tidings of Allah's victory and conquest," he said. Al-Joulani continued to bring the "glad tidings" of the victory of the "real men" who love death, just like the "sons of mut'a pleasure marriages" - meaning Shi'ites - love life. He also claimed that while the Shi'ites sought to turn Damascus into a Shi'ite city, Allah intended for it to remain Sunni. The sermon was uploaded to @Aljawhara_K3d on YouTube on December 30, 2024.
Mustafa Al-Joulani: "The polytheists will burn in Hellfire tomorrow, the heretical Russians will burn in Hellfire tomorrow, the [Shi'ite] Rafidites will burn in Hellfire tomorrow, the [Alawite] Nusayris will burn in Hellfire tomorrow, while the Muslims, the mujahideen, and the murabitun will live in Paradise.
"These sectarianists came and killed the best among our sons. Ask about the Sednaya prison and about what this criminal gang has done. I bring you the glad tidings of Allah's victory and conquest. Your mujahideen brothers are hunting them down like rats. We will trample them underfoot, Allah willing. I bring you glad tidings, oh Sunnis, oh those who have been wronged, oh those whose sons have been arrested, and those who were tortured in a horrible way. We came to them with real men, who could move mountains, if they wished to do so. We came to them with real men, who love death like the [Shi'ite] sons of the mut'a pleasure marriages love life.
"They wanted to turn Damascus, the capital of the Umayyads, into the Shi'ite Rafidite City, in which the caliphs Abu Bakr and Omar are cursed, and [Aisha] is slandered. They wanted [Damascus] to be a Shi'ite Rafidite city, but Allah, the Lord, wanted it to stay Sunni, whether people like it or not."