Following are excerpts from an interview with Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir, which aired on Al-Jazeera Network on March 14, 2012 :
Omar Al-Bashir : If the US believes in the ICC, why didn't it sign the Rome Statute? It is not a state party to the Rome Statute, yet it is the loudest speaker on its behalf. The US decided that its citizens and officials would not be tried in this court. If the US is indeed convinced that this court is just, why does it prevent the trial of its own citizens there? This is a colonialist law.
We say that [the US] is not qualified… In light of its early history, its recent history, and its present, the US is not qualified to talk about human rights or justice. The Americans annihilated the Indians, who were the natives there. The Americans transported millions of Africans as slaves to support US economy. It was America that attacked the Vietnamese for no reason, using all the [internationally] prohibited weapons. It was the US that occupied and destroyed Iraq over a lie.